Tag List
Certain scripts might just be labeled a snippet or have another keyword tagged that you can search here.
- Snippet
- #gardening #lazyscripts #lazyfranchise #lazygardener #uobestscripter #betterscripterthanjaseowns
- #runebook #runebookmove #rune #runes
- 1 button
- 120
- 1h
- 2 hand
- 2022
- 2024
- 2h
- 2hander
- 300
- 48hours
- 8bitgam3
- ace mason
- activate
- activation
- afk
- afk leveling
- afk taming
- agent
- aggression
- ahhh
- aid
- aids
- aio
- alchemy
- ali
- all in one
- all kill
- all kill no skill
- all mobs
- alt u
- amish
- anatomy
- animal
- animal lore
- animal lore herding
- animal tamer
- animal taming
- animal taming script by daklue
- animallore
- animaltaming
- anti-theft
- aoe
- aoedeth
- aoxprime
- apply poison
- arcane
- arch cure
- arch protection
- archer
- archery
- areolys
- armor dress
- armory
- armslore
- arrow
- arrows
- arson
- artisan aspect
- ash3nu0
- aspect
- aspect utility
- assistant
- attack nearest
- attack pk
- aussie tamer
- auto
- auto bandages
- auto bot
- auto dexxer
- auto heal
- auto healing
- auto mage
- auto pilot
- auto recall
- auto smelting
- auto tame
- auto taming
- autobot
- autohide
- autoloot
- automation
- avoid pk
- awesome
- ayk
- b
- background
- backpack
- backround script
- backstab
- backstabber
- bags
- balls
- ban
- ban bot
- bandage
- bandages
- bandaging
- bank
- bank deposit safe
- bapeth
- bapeths modern dungeon picker
- bard
- bard codex
- bard provocation music musicianship
- bard provocation peacemaking discordance
- barding
- barley
- base
- batman
- begging
- bench
- best
- best script ever
- blackguard
- blacksmithy
- bleed
- bless
- bless bot
- board
- boards
- boat
- boat bot
- boating
- boats
- bobby
- bolts
- bomb
- bone
- bones
- books
- boom juice
- boombox
- booty
- boowhip
- boss
- boss friendly
- bosses
- bot
- bots
- botting
- break
- breeding
- brew
- brewing
- brozan
- bryan
- budikah
- buff
- buffs
- butler
- buy
- camping
- camping escape hide atlas kindling pvp gatherer
- camping escape hide atlas kindling pvp gatherer logout
- camping kindling
- cancel target
- cannon
- captcha
- captcha detection
- carpentry
- cartography
- cask
- catalog
- catalogue
- cataloguer
- catch phrases
- charliedmann
- cheat death
- cheese
- chest
- chests
- chirps
- chiv
- chiv gate
- chiv gate bot
- chivalry
- chomrik
- chopping
- chromrik
- cider
- cleansing brew
- cloth
- clothes
- clothing
- cobbled
- cod4
- code cave
- codecave
- codex
- color
- colored
- container
- control pet
- control shift
- control-shift-i
- cooking
- cooldown
- cooldown.xml
- cooldowns
- cooldowns; snippet
- copy
- corpse
- corpser room
- corpses
- corrupted reforge helper
- cotton candy
- count
- cq
- crafting queue
- cramphy
- crane stance
- crate
- create food
- crew
- crewmember
- crewmembers
- crook
- cure
- cure without pots out of fight
- cursor
- cycler
- dadplaysvr
- dance
- danstock
- dead
- death
- debuff
- decipher decode t-map treasure hunting cartography
- decode
- decode tmap lazy
- decoder
- demlar
- deposit
- detect
- detect hidden
- detecthidden
- detecting hidden
- detonate
- dexxer
- dexxer bot
- dexxer taming
- dexxer;bard;chivalry
- die
- dirt
- disarm
- disco
- discord
- discordance
- disease
- diseased
- disembark
- disi
- dismount
- dispel
- dispel field
- dispel wall of stone
- distill
- distill maker
- distillation
- distillation/map-bot 3000
- dock
- docking
- door
- dorrian
- drag
- dress
- dressagent
- dresser
- drinking
- drocis_the_determined
- drop
- drop gold
- drop items
- drop loot
- drop off
- drow
- dump
- dump routine
- dungeon
- dungeon chest
- dungeon chest crawler
- dungeon chest world map pointer
- dungeon chests
- dungeon loot
- dungeon torches
- dungeons
- easy
- eat
- echo
- echoes
- effects
- eject
- elhoej
- emotes
- enemy
- energy field
- equip
- eric n
- esc
- escape
- escape gate
- essence
- eval
- evalint
- evaluateintelligence
- evaluating
- evaluating intelligence
- event
- events
- everything should have a j
- evilfireblade
- example
- example of snacking
- explopot
- exploreoutlands
- explosion
- explosionpot
- explostion
- extract
- faire
- fancy
- fang
- farming
- fast
- fencing
- fewunderstandthis
- field of energy
- find chest
- findlayer
- findtype
- findtype by hue
- fire
- firefield
- fish fishing frenzy
- fishing
- fishing frenzy
- fishing maps
- fishing spot
- fishing spots
- flamestrike
- focus
- focus aggression
- follower
- followers
- food
- forensics
- frost
- full auto
- fun
- funny
- funny idea
- gadget
- garden
- gardening
- gardening plants flowers seeds mushrooms watermelons
- gate
- gates
- gathering
- gear
- gear sorting
- general
- get away
- give it away
- giveaway
- glacier
- glad you asked
- gold
- golden shower
- goldenshower
- good idea
- goodtimes
- grab tips
- gradmaster
- grim
- grimoire
- ground
- ground trap
- group
- guard
- gump
- gumps
- halloween
- hally
- hand
- handle cursor
- harvest
- harvesting
- hatch
- heal
- heal break
- heal pet hotkey
- healing
- healing bot
- heals
- helper
- herd
- herding
- hidden
- hide
- hides
- hiding
- hiking
- hold
- holdem
- holy light
- hops
- hotbag
- hotbar
- hotkey
- house
- how to switch
- hue
- hurt feelings
- id
- id items
- idoc
- imethinks
- index
- info
- ingots
- inn
- inn room
- inscription
- intelligence
- interrupt
- inventory
- invis
- invisibility
- item
- item id
- item id serial hue getlabel
- item identification
- item recycle bot
- item recycle while farming
- item sorter
- itemi.d.
- itemid
- items
- itsnotryland
- jacking
- japa
- jase
- jaseowns
- jaseowns xml
- jasepk
- jester
- jewelry
- jewels
- jheep
- joe
- joenotexotic
- jootbag
- jorpse
- jotion
- joust
- jug
- juice
- junk
- junk scroll
- just a heal loop
- justin
- keep alive script - with discord
- keg
- kettle
- khaldraco
- kindling
- kings faire
- kings faire 2024
- kingsfaire
- kit
- kosher for the win
- l holt
- lanterns
- last target
- lastobject
- lasttarget
- layer
- lazy
- lazy dexxer
- lazy mage
- learning
- leather
- legenis
- legenis_assassin
- legenis_assassin hiding stealth
- lethal
- leveling
- lh
- lifty loot
- links
- livestream
- llama
- loadout
- locations
- lock
- lock picking
- lockbox
- lockpick
- lockpicking
- log parser
- logs
- loop
- loot
- loot bag
- loot chest
- loot goblin
- loot pouch
- lootbag
- looting
- lore
- lorebook
- lotto
- louie
- lucy
- lumber
- lumber map
- lumberjack
- lumberjack logs tracking
- lumberjacking
- lyric
- mace
- macing
- mage
- mage bot
- mage necro
- mage nox
- mage tamer
- magebot
- mager
- magery
- magery after shelter
- magery auto
- magery healing magic resist
- magery medit
- magic
- magic items
- magic mushroom
- magic reflection
- magic resist
- magic trap
- magicresist
- mana back maybe
- manager
- manuel cycling
- map
- maps
- margery. evaluating
- mass
- mastery chain
- meat
- med
- meditation
- melee
- merchant
- merlitz
- mib
- mibs
- miner
- miner-bot
- mini-boss
- mining
- mining lumberjacking
- modified
- monkey stance
- monster
- monster shuffle casino bot
- moongate
- mount
- mounts
- move items
- movement
- movie
- mugger
- murder count
- mushroom
- mushrooms
- music
- musicianship
- musicianship discordance peacemaking provocation prevalia-zoo
- nalco
- necro
- necro summoner
- necromancer
- necromancy
- necrosis
- net
- nets
- new
- new player
- newb
- newbie
- no dress
- no restock needed
- noble sacifice
- noblesacrifice
- noob
- not brian
- nox
- noxxer
- nuke
- nymaeron
- ocd
- ocean
- ocean content
- odc
- off
- omni
- one button
- one script
- one script to rule them all
- one tile
- onehand
- onehander
- open them all
- ore
- ore maps
- organisation
- organization
- organize
- organize agent
- organizer
- organizing
- outland
- outlandmarket
- outlands
- overhead
- overheadmessages
- overkill
- overweight
- overwight / shield / dexxer
- owyn
- pacify
- packhorse
- pants
- paragon
- paragon chests
- parry
- parrying
- party
- passive
- paste
- patch
- patrol
- peace
- peacemaking
- personal home
- pet
- pets
- picker
- picking
- pilfer
- pilfer helper
- pilfering
- ping
- pirate
- pit trial
- pk
- pk escape
- pk run
- plant
- plant care
- plant growth
- plant planter plants growing seeds
- plant planting seeds growing
- planting
- plants
- plate
- player
- pointer
- points
- poison
- poisoner
- poisoner kit
- poisoning
- poker
- pot
- potion
- potion potions pot pots keg kegs noshelf restock resupply
- potion satchel
- potions
- pots
- pouch
- pouches
- powershell
- pretty bag
- pricing
- profile
- prompt
- protection
- provo
- provocation
- provoke
- pull
- purple pot
- pushlist
- pvm
- pvm thief
- pvp
- qol
- question
- questions
- quick escape
- quiver
- quotes
- raditv
- rails
- random
- random drop
- randomcorgi
- range check
- ravitv
- reactive armor
- reagents
- reaper of souls
- rearrange
- recall
- recall boarding
- recall next
- recall over again
- recall scrolls
- recource stockpile and now also added all tomes
- recovery
- recycle
- recycler
- red
- red hand
- red pouch
- regs
- release
- release all
- reload
- remove trap
- remove traps
- removetraps
- rename
- rental
- rental room
- rentalroom
- repair
- repair bench
- res
- rescource
- rescource map
- research materials
- resist
- resisting spells
- resource map
- resource maps
- ressource map
- restock
- restock repair kit
- result
- results
- resummon early
- resupply
- resurrect
- retreive
- reveal
- rh
- ripkitty
- room
- rope
- rope tele
- rude
- rukwar
- rune
- rune tomes
- runebook
- runes
- runetome
- sacred journey
- safe
- safe space
- sailing
- satchel
- scanner
- scavenge
- scavenger
- scott o
- script
- script for [l%c]amadeus
- script stopper
- scripty
- scroll counter
- scrolls
- sea
- search
- secure
- seeds
- self heal
- sell
- sell agent
- selling
- set last target
- setup
- setvar
- shelf
- shelter
- shelter dungeon
- shelter island
- shield
- shield codex
- shift
- ship
- ship launch
- shit
- shopping
- shovel
- shuffle
- shuffler
- shut the door
- sidequest
- simp training
- simple
- simple heal loop
- simple training
- sir pubert
- sirmorphic
- skill
- skill scrolls
- skillet
- skills
- skilltraining
- skinning
- skinning knife
- skrypter
- skullcrusher
- smarter
- smelt
- smelting
- smithing
- smoke bomb
- smokebomb
- snippet
- snoop
- snooping
- societies
- soil
- sort
- sort loot
- sorter
- sorting
- sos
- sound
- spam
- spamresilient
- sparetime
- spell
- spell cursor
- spell dump
- spell hue
- spell hue dice
- spell hue randomization
- spellbook
- spellbooks
- spellhue
- spellhues
- spin
- spin2win
- spintowin
- spirit speak
- spirit speaking
- spiritspeak
- split
- splitter
- spot miner
- spyglass
- stack items
- stamina
- stance
- stance switching
- staring guide
- startup
- steal
- stealing
- stealing prevention
- stealth
- stealth hiding thieve
- stickmanx89
- stockpile
- stool
- storage
- storage shelf
- stpat eventbook
- strange lands
- strangelands
- stream
- strength
- stud
- stuff
- summon
- summon necro
- summoner
- summoner archer potion
- summoning
- swap
- switch
- switcher
- switching
- sword
- swords
- sysmsg
- t-map
- t8
- tailoring
- talisman
- tame
- tame outlands
- tamer
- taming
- target
- target lock
- targetexists
- targeting
- taste id
- tasteid
- taunt
- taunts
- tele
- teleport
- test
- test center
- test center helper
- thanks
- theif
- thereallboowip
- thief
- thief proof
- thievery
- time
- time dungeon
- time gems
- timers
- tinkering
- tmap
- tmapper
- tmapping
- tmaps
- token
- tome
- tomes
- tool
- torch
- tracking
- tracking detection
- trade
- train
- train healing
- train herding
- train inscription
- train magery
- trainer
- training
- training dummy
- tranq
- trap
- trapped
- trapped pouch
- trapper
- trapping
- trash
- travel
- treasure
- treasure goblin
- treasure map
- treasure mapping
- tri-bard
- tribard
- trick
- twohanded
- type of target
- ultimate
- ultimate magery script
- ultimate mining
- undress
- unequip
- unid
- unidentified
- unlock
- unorganzier
- uoa
- usegate
- useless
- util
- utility
- vanilla gorilla
- vanish
- vendor
- vendor contract
- vendor search
- vendor sell
- vendors
- vet
- vet kit
- vet kit loop
- vet supply
- veterinary
- veterinary supplies
- veterinary supplies loop
- vile
- wafflesplz
- walk
- walking
- walks
- wall of stone
- wall switch
- warmode
- water
- we did it live
- weaken
- weapon
- weapon disarm
- weapon swap
- weapons
- weaponswap
- weenec
- weight
- weirdos
- whiskey
- wildlands
- wip
- witcher
- wiz grim
- wiz grimoire
- wizard
- wizard grimoire
- wizard hat
- wizard satchel
- wizards grimoire
- wizhat
- wood
- wrestling
- xml
- yottawatts
- zero to hero
- zoo
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Don't forget to use the search bar or check out the skills page.