
I'd like to try and keep an updated change log for site related items here.

June 12th 2024 - Updates

  • New Arcane Mage build
  • Added Hotkeys section - will improve this I swear.
  • Added Arcane and Focus to the skill list
  • Worked on adding additional params to Discord Auth (for future premium section)

April 30th 2024 - Updates

December 10th 2023 - Updates

  • Improved the layout of the left menu (hopefully)
  • New button for adding your own script
  • Limit format for bigger scripts, this new cut off is currently at 130000 character length
  • Clicking your username after you login sends you to your own scripts
  • Preparing site for potential paywall

September 15th 2023 - Updates

  • Added Razor Hues - this was posted on my uo.jaseowns.com site but moved it here.
  • Added more people to auto approval for script submissions
  • Background work for upcoming redesign

April 7th 2023 - Updates

  • Updated Miner Bot with files for download.
  • Added Download file button to scripts and snippets
  • Added GitHub history to all scripts

January 29th 2023 - Updates

December 19th 2022 - Updates

  • Added even more information about the Mage Bot Build and how to utitlize the script
  • Approved for YouTube membership - added section for Script Supporters
  • Improved analytics

December 17th 2022 - Updates

  • Added a guide about Mage Bot and how to set it up
  • Added some background analytics

November 15th 2022 - Updates

  • Sorted the User List view by script counts
  • Sorted the User Detail View by last updated
  • Added a guide about Finding Item Information in game
  • Added some quick filters for popular categories (and images shout out to Macho)
  • Added link to live streams - more to come on that

November 9th 2022 - Updates

  • Our first livestream of editing the website - wooo!
  • Added User List view
  • Added link from Script to user view

July 5th 2022 - Updates

  • Thank you all for your contributions - we passed 100 script submissions on June 8th 2022!
  • Added additional users as instant Approval
  • Added Guides section for future text about scripts
  • Updated search results to be sorted by last updated based on user feedback

April 12th 2022 - Updates

  • Thank you all for your contributions!
  • Added certain users as instant Approval
  • Added custom URL for certain scripts (congrats Boat-bot!)... will make this dynamic and available to more users in the future.
  • Updated Search functionality to return more results
  • Added table formats to search output
  • Updated home page a bit based on user feedback

March 5th 2022 - Updates

  • Added quick links to left hand menu
  • Added table formats to script lists so its easier to navigate
  • Highlight a line on script
    • This is manual at the moment, but add #L30 to script view to highlight a line. Replace 30 with the desired line number

Feburary 27th 2022 - Updates

  • Added ability for script owner to edit a script
  • Updated home page a bit

Feburary 22nd 2022 - Updates

  • Updated syntax highlighting to reflect Razor editor
  • Clean up console error related to script formatting
  • Added base username next to scripts

Feburary 2nd 2022 - Updates

  • Added counts and link to change history
  • Fixed styling issue on bigger scripts
  • Added Share button on Script view for easy sharing
  • Backend updates

Feburary 1st 2022 - Updates

  • Multiple scripts approved from users
  • Meta Data updated so sharing links on discord allows more discoverability

January 30th 2022 - Site Launched

  • The bare bones of outlands.uorazorscripts.com was launched on 1/30/22
  • Features included at launch:
    • View Category and Tags
    • Search bar
    • Submit your own scripts
    • Login using Discord
    • Admin section for reviewing and approving submissions