Scripts related to chest
There are currently 13 scripts related to tag chest.
Name | Category | Updated | Created | Creator |
Bapeth's Modern Dungeon Picker | Lockpicking | 02/26/2025 | 01/24/2024 | barryroser |
Count gold in a container/chest | Snippet | 02/01/2025 | 02/01/2025 | ragebunnyz |
Pick and loot treasure chest | Lockpicking | 10/14/2024 | 10/12/2024 | t.lore |
Ramza's Chest Locations | Snippet | 08/10/2024 | 08/10/2024 | barryroser |
Dungeon Chest World Map Pointer | Lockpicking | 07/31/2024 | 07/31/2024 | sametcnbl_ |
Dungeon Chest World Map Pointer | Lockpicking | 07/31/2024 | 07/31/2024 | synonym_samet |
Find nearby chests (ALT-T) | Snippet | 02/08/2024 | 09/24/2022 | Jaseowns |
Simple pre-hide Treasure Chest Looting (1) | Lockpicking | 01/16/2024 | 01/16/2024 | Jaseowns |
Small Paragon Chest Opener 2.0 | Lockpicking | 05/04/2023 | 04/30/2023 | weteamsteve |
Modified Ultimate Dungeon Chest Crawler V0.7 | RemoveTrap | 02/11/2023 | 02/08/2023 | DaKlue |
Lurch Ultimate Bulter Bot | Snippet | 10/18/2022 | 09/27/2022 | Mags (Avron) |
Ultimate Dungeon Chest Crawler (T) | RemoveTrap | 09/29/2022 | 09/20/2022 | Jaseowns |
Auto Dungeon or TMap Chest | Snippet | 03/18/2022 | 03/18/2022 | FewUnderstandThis |