Search : 79 result(s)

Direct Matches

Glacier's Chill DEXXER AUTO PILOT (BARD SKILLS NOW INCLUDED!)Chivalry03/26/2025 02/18/2025 danstock._98439
Fishing on BoatFishing03/25/2025 02/23/2025 tarouca
SUPER Auto Mage AttackerMagery03/19/2025 10/30/2024 dennozz
SUPER Auto-LumberjackingLumberjacking03/17/2025 08/26/2024 dennozz
DanStock's ULTIMATE HARVESTING AUTO PILOT (DEXXER, MAGE AND/OR SUMMONER w/ AUTO RECALL & MORE!)Mining02/26/2025 05/11/2024 danstock._98439
DanStock's ULTIMATE HARVESTING AUTO PILOT (DEXXER, MAGE AND/OR SUMMONER w/ AUTO RECALL & MORE!)Lumberjacking02/26/2025 10/14/2024 danstock._98439
Bapeth's Leather / Plate Hot swapping scriptSnippet12/31/2024 12/31/2024 barryroser
Bapeth's Bone / Plate Hot swapping scriptSnippet12/31/2024 12/31/2024 barryroser
SUPER-Auto healingHealing12/21/2024 09/09/2024 dennozz
Yogurt's Apply lethal poison to your weaponPoisoning12/16/2024 07/24/2024 _yogurt
DanStock's ULTIMATE TRI-BARD/CHIVARLY/ARCHER AUTO PILOTMusicianship12/14/2024 07/19/2024 danstock._98439
throw explosion scriptAlchemy12/03/2024 08/28/2024 nekwave
DanStock's ULTIMATE LUMBER AUTO PILOT (DEXXER, MAGE AND/OR SUMMONER w/ AUTO RECALL & MORE!)Lumberjacking11/28/2024 05/11/2024 danstock._98439
DanStock's ULTIMATE MINING AUTO PILOT (DEXXER, MAGE AND/OR SUMMONER w/ AUTO RECALL & MORE!)Mining11/28/2024 05/09/2024 danstock._98439
Jaseowns Cooldown.xml fileSnippet11/15/2024 12/13/2022 Jaseowns
Auto Summoner w/auto healingSpiritSpeak11/13/2024 10/07/2024 dennozz
Auto taming trainingAnimalTaming11/13/2024 11/01/2024 dennozz
Resist Spells to 80MagicResist11/13/2024 11/13/2024 vizzka
Camp and Safe LogoutCamping11/12/2024 11/12/2024 khull
Camp and HikeCamping11/12/2024 11/12/2024 khull
SUPER Auto-miningMining10/25/2024 08/29/2024 dennozz
Ultimate Auto Dexxer Hotkey (1)Tactics09/29/2024 01/03/2023 Jaseowns
Rope Tele with cooldownsSnippet09/07/2024 09/07/2024 yarick.
dexxerPoisonWeaponPoisoning09/06/2024 09/06/2024 tarouca
Magic Resist to 70 by fire elementals with Shelf_r for restok.MagicResist08/28/2024 08/28/2024 nekwave
CooldownsSnippet08/26/2024 08/04/2024 anakin0351
overheadmessagesSnippet08/24/2024 08/24/2024 anakin0351
Ultimate Explosion Potion (B)Alchemy08/22/2024 12/08/2022 Jaseowns
Bapeth's Ocean Auto-Target Normal Cannon FireSnippet08/06/2024 05/07/2024 barryroser
Check BuffsSnippet08/04/2024 08/04/2024 anakin0351
Magery, Resist and bandage Healing with Self Flame StrikeMagicResist07/25/2024 04/04/2024 golfinh0
Player Vendor Restock Script - updated for WildlandsSnippet06/14/2024 05/24/2024 mustang1x1
Ultimate Magery Summoner Nox Necro Discord Tamer Autobot Hotkey (1)Magery06/14/2024 10/22/2022 Jaseowns
weapon cycling PVP - handles targetsTactics03/18/2024 03/18/2024 utkorn
Necro Summoner/ Mage Tamer V1.0.2 Snippet02/18/2024 11/19/2023 daklue
Junk Scroll SorterSnippet01/22/2024 01/22/2024 steveholt_
SenorBorrachoMusicianship01/15/2024 01/15/2024 .dave5678
Auto Bard Provo Dexxer Bot (NEW 7/5/2023)Provocation01/13/2024 07/06/2023 Jaseowns
Halloween 2022 - Reaper of Souls mage botMagery01/13/2024 10/25/2022 Jaseowns
Wizards Grimoire BlastsMagery11/25/2023 11/25/2023 carl_os
Easy Dispel FieldMagery10/12/2023 10/12/2023 Jaseowns
Mage Bot w/ TamerAnimalTaming09/15/2023 09/14/2023 daklue
Mod: Mage Bot v10.1.0 by Daklue Herding spamableSnippet08/27/2023 08/27/2023 daklue
Cast psn on all nearby mobsPoisoning06/08/2023 06/08/2023 Jaseowns
Lazy Mage with DebuffsMagery05/31/2023 12/08/2022 SINGsingFan
Pop a pouch if paralyzed (V) Magery05/25/2023 05/25/2023 Jaseowns
Melee weapons swap and hide in a trapped pouchTactics04/18/2023 04/14/2023 DoubleDuke
Not Better Ultimate Lazy Dexxer Lazier than JaseownsChivalry04/02/2023 08/07/2022 SINGsingFan
Train Poisoning using a ShelfPoisoning03/02/2023 02/06/2022 Jaseowns
Strangelands Dexxer BotSnippet02/19/2023 02/18/2023 Jaseowns
Semi-auto Poison Necro Summoner Script - Boss ReadyNecromancy02/18/2023 02/18/2023 Burger Beagle
Ultimate Magery Summoner Nox Necro Discord + Peacemaking w/ Buffs Autobot HotkeyMagery01/17/2023 01/17/2023 dave5678
Swap between weapons and not lose spell targetSnippet01/11/2023 01/11/2023 Jaseowns
Poison NecromancerNecromancy01/03/2023 12/29/2022 Aeos
Uo Autobot Necro Mage summon script by jaseowns with Hellzy editsNecromancy01/03/2023 12/31/2022 liveonce
Check if target is playerSnippet12/24/2022 12/24/2022 Jaseowns
Vendor Restock ScriptSnippet12/20/2022 03/31/2022 Mustang
Target Example (Scroll Wheel Down)Snippet12/19/2022 12/10/2022 Jaseowns
jaseowns Auto Necro Summoner flexibility editMagery12/15/2022 12/14/2022 Hayes
Dispel a wall of stone exampleMagery12/15/2022 12/15/2022 Jaseowns
Proof of concept pvp (4)Magery12/15/2022 12/06/2022 Jaseowns
Willobe's edit of Jaseowns Ultimate Magery Summoner Nox Necro script With Summon logicNecromancy12/12/2022 11/19/2022 Willobe
Break and Weaken PVP (ALT-A)Magery12/10/2022 12/10/2022 Jaseowns
Equip a halberd PVPSnippet12/10/2022 12/10/2022 Jaseowns
Heal Buster PVP (A)Magery12/10/2022 12/10/2022 Jaseowns
Smart Magic Arrow PVPMagery12/08/2022 12/08/2022 Jaseowns
One hotkey necro nox mage cycle (1)Poisoning10/22/2022 10/13/2022 Jaseowns
Auto bot tmapper kill dude with tinkeringTinkering10/22/2022 10/22/2022 Jaseowns
poison necro mage summoner 1 button v1.1 ( work in progress )Magery10/20/2022 10/13/2022 stoned summoner
Train Magic Resist (Resisting Spells)MagicResist10/17/2022 10/16/2022 weteamsteve
2H or LHSnippet09/21/2022 09/21/2022 AreYouKidden🐲
1H or RHSnippet09/21/2022 09/21/2022 AreYouKidden🐲
Yottawatts's ULTIMATE 2Hander Healing ScriptSnippet08/19/2022 08/10/2022 Yottawatts
Basic Weapon swap for PvP Snippet07/17/2022 06/28/2022 Kerrigan-Blades
tranq's aspect switcherSnippet07/05/2022 07/05/2022 tranq
Boat Bot v4.1aSnippet05/10/2022 02/23/2022 Brozan (Syal)
Poison_CurrentWeaponPoisoning03/09/2022 03/08/2022 Chase
Poison Equipped WeaponPoisoning03/03/2022 03/03/2022 Jaseowns
Training Poisoning with no shelfPoisoning02/27/2022 02/27/2022 Jaseowns

Expanded Results

Nothing found.