Created: 09/06/2024, 09:29:53 PM Updated: 09/06/2024, 09:34:13 PM View Change History
1@setvar lagTimer_ 500
3@setvar usingShelf_ 0
4if findtype "storage shelf" ground -1 -1 3 as myShelf__
5 @setvar myShelf_ myShelf__
6 @setvar usingShelf_ 1
8@setvar usingStockPile_ 0
9if findtype "resource container" ground -1 -1 3 as myStockPile__
10 @setvar myStockPile_ myStockPile__
11 @setvar usingStockPile_ 1
13@setvar usingAlchemistBag_ 0
14if findtype "alchemists satchel" self as myAlchemistBag__
15 @setvar myAlchemistBag_ myAlchemistBag__
16 @setvar usingAlchemistBag_ 1
17 if not find myAlchemistBag_ backpack
18 lift myAlchemistBag_
19 drop backpack
20 endif
21 dclick myAlchemistBag_
22 wait lagTimer_
25@setvar weaponFound_ 0
26while weaponFound_ = 0
27 if findlayer self righthand as weaponToApply__
28 @setvar weaponToApply_ weaponToApply__
29 overhead "FOUND WEAPON"
30 @setvar weaponFound_ 1
31 else
32 overhead "EQUIP WEAPON TO POISON" 48
33 overhead "I'LL WAIT 3 SECONDS" 48
34 wait lagTimer_
35 wait lagTimer_
36 endif
39if not timerexists "cureTimer_"
40 createtimer "cureTimer_"
41 settimer "cureTimer_" 99999
43if not timerexists "healTimer_"
44 createtimer "healTimer_"
45 settimer "healTimer_" 99999
47if not timerexists "poisonTimer_"
48 createtimer "poisonTimer_"
49 settimer "poisonTimer_" 99999
55@setvar keepGoing_ 1
56while keepGoing_ = 1
57 if not poisoned
58 getlabel weaponToApply_ myWeaponLabel_
59 if "10 lethal" in myWeaponLabel_
60 if ".10 lethal" in myWeaponLabel_
61 else
62 @setvar keepGoing_ 0
63 endif
64 if keepGoing_ = 0
65 overhead "WEAPON POISONED"
66 if usingShelf_ = 1 and find myShelf_ ground -1 -1 3
67 menu myShelf_ 1
68 wait lagTimer_
69 if usingStockPile_ = 1 and findtype 3854 backpack 0 as emptyBottle_
70 menu myStockPile_ 0
71 waitfortarget
72 target emptyBottle_
73 wait lagTimer_
74 endif
75 elseif usingShelf_ = 0
76 overhead "NOT USING SHELF" 48
77 else
78 overhead "NOT NEAR SHEFL" 48
79 endif
80 stop
81 endif
82 endif
83 endif
84 if not poisoned and timer "poisonTimer_" > 5100
85 @setvar needToRestock_ 0
86 @setvar foundTargetPot_ 0
87 if usingAlchemistBag_ = 1 and findtype "Green Potion" myAlchemistBag_
88 @setvar foundTargetPot_ 1
89 elseif findtype "Green Potion" backpack
90 @setvar foundTargetPot_ 1
91 endif
92 if foundTargetPot_ = 1
93 menu weaponToApply_ 0
94 settimer "poisonTimer_" 0
95 else
96 @setvar needToRestock_ 1
97 endif
98 if needToRestock_ = 1
99 if usingShelf_ = 1 and find myShelf_ ground -1 -1 3
100 menu myShelf_ 1
101 wait lagTimer_
102 else
103 overhead "NO POISON" 38
104 overhead "NOT NEAR/USING SHELF" 38
105 endif
106 endif
107 endif
109 if poisoned and timer "cureTimer_" > 3000
110 @setvar needToRestock_ 0
111 @setvar foundTargetPot_ 0
112 if usingAlchemistBag_ = 1 and findtype "Orange Potion" myAlchemistBag_ as pot_
113 @setvar foundTargetPot_ 1
114 elseif findtype "Orange Potion" backpack as pot_
115 @setvar foundTargetPot_ 1
116 endif
117 if foundTargetPot_ = 1
118 dclick pot_
119 settimer "cureTimer_" 0
120 else
121 @setvar needToRestock_ 1
122 endif
123 if needToRestock_ = 1
124 if usingShelf_ = 1 and find myShelf_ ground -1 -1 3
125 menu myShelf_ 1
126 wait lagTimer_
127 else
128 overhead "NO CURE" 38
129 overhead "NOT NEAR/USING SHELF" 38
130 endif
131 endif
132 endif
134 if hp < maxhp
135 @setvar needToRestock_ 0
136 @setvar foundTargetPot_ 0
137 if not bandaging
138 if findtype "clean bandage%s%" backpack
139 hotkey "Bandage Self"
140 else
141 @setvar needToRestock_ 1
142 endif
143 endif
144 if hp < 60
145 if timer "healTimer_" > 11000
146 if usingAlchemistBag_ = 1 and findtype "Yellow Potion" myAlchemistBag_ as pot_
147 @setvar foundTargetPot_ 1
148 elseif findtype "Yellow Potion" backpack as pot_
149 @setvar foundTargetPot_ 1
150 endif
151 if foundTargetPot_ = 1
152 dclick pot_
153 settimer "healTimer_" 0
154 else
155 @setvar needToRestock_ 1
156 endif
157 endif
158 endif
159 if needToRestock_ = 1
160 if usingShelf_ = 1 and find myShelf_ ground -1 -1 3
161 menu myShelf_ 1
162 wait lagTimer_
163 else
164 overhead "NO HEAL" 38
165 overhead "NOT NEAR/USING SHELF" 38
166 endif
167 endif
168 endif