Yottawatts's ULTIMATE 2Hander Healing Script by Yottawatts

Description: Healing script with added tracking message and instructions to make your potion drinking 2hander thief proof!

#Yottawatts's ULTIMATE 2Hander Healing Script 8/10/22 #NOTE: Create a Dress List for your weapon! #Note 2!: Set your undress container as a trapped pouch or boom chest!! #You will undress to a trapped pouch and dress from it, no more stolen weapons! #Note: You cannot set dress container yet or set item hue, use serial #Remove Notes as needed! #Remember to reset Dress Serial and Undress bag if you die!(also exit inn for bag) #NOTE 3: Change dress ID as needed and findtype at line 46 #Hotkeys for potions seem faster! #Change Notes: Added Cast Function and Reequip to each potion. #Casting a spell unequips a weapon and bypasses weight limits if overweight #(no need for 1 hander) (need a spellbook with the spell for this to work) #Spell Note: Use create food spell in overworld wilderness, recall locks you. #11 second timer pot if not timerexists "healpot" createtimer "healpot" settimer "healpot" 11000 endif #11 second cure pot if not timerexists "curepot" createtimer "curepot" settimer "curepot" 11000 endif #loops the rest while alive while not dead #Pause script while saving if insysmsg "The world is saving, please wait" while not insysmsg "World save complete" overhead "World save. Waiting..." 120 wait 500 clearsysmsg endwhile endif #Remove this if you don't have tracking, or save it if insysmsg 'Now Tracking' overhead 'MURDERERS RUN!!' 2916 clearsysmsg endif clearsysmsg #This is the re-equip function for a quarter staff if not findtype 'quarter staff' lefthand dress 'Staff' endif #Drops empty potion bottles, keep or remove if findtype 'empty bottle%s%' backpack as found lift found 999 droprelloc 0 0 endif #Cure pot function if poisoned and timer 'curepot' > 11000 if findtype 'Orange Potion' backpack undress 'Staff' cast 'recall' hotkey 'Drink Cure' dress 'Staff' settimer 'curepot' 0 endif endif #Heal Pot Function if diffhits > 25 if findtype "Yellow Potion" backpack if timer "healpot" > 11000 wait 100 undress 'Staff' cast 'recall' hotkey 'Drink Heal' wait 250 dress 'Staff' settimer "healpot" 0 endif endif endif #PVP pouch pop to run away if paralyzed [pouch endif #Strength and Magic Resist Function #Maxweight is used because if not, it will sometimes try while buff is still on cooldown #Only if war mode is on, so only in dungeons! if warmode on and maxweight = 390 and not findbuff 'Strength' if findtype 'White Potion' backpack undress 'Staff' cast 'recall' hotkey 'Drink Strength' hotkey 'Drink Night Sight' wait 350 dress 'Staff' endif endif wait 50 #Stamina pot if under 40 if diffstam > 40 if findtype 'Red Potion' backpack undress 'Staff' cast 'recall' potion 'refresh' dress 'Staff' endif endif endwhile