Check Buffs by anakin0351

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#script by Anakin#0351 #Check buffs & etc# # clearall overhead 'Checking Buffs & Items' 53 //------------------------------------------------------------- if not hidden //------------------------------------------------------------- //WARDING @setvar 'isWarding' 0 //------------------------------------------------------------- //FOOD BUFF CHECK if not findbuff 'food satisfaction' if findtype tray backpack dclicktype tray backpack wait 200 else overhead 'Out of Food!' 945 endif endif //------------------------------------------------------------- //BANDAGES CHECK if skill 'Healing' >= 40 if count 'bandages' <= 20 backpack overhead 'Low on Bandages !' 945 wait 200 endif endif //------------------------------------------------------------- //BARD CHECK if skill 'Discordance' >= 100 if not findtype '3763' backpack overhead 'Need Instrument !' 945 wait 200 endif if not timerexists 'Discord Timer' overhead 'Timer Setted!' createtimer 'Discord Timer' wait 200 settimer 'Discord Timer' 10500 endif endif //------------------------------------------------------------- //ARCHER EQ CHECK if skill 'Archery' >= 80 if count 'Arrows' <= 50 backpack overhead 'Low on Arrows !' 945 wait 500 endif if count 'Bolts' <= 50 backpack overhead 'Low on Bolts !' 945 wait 500 endif endif //------------------------------------------------------------- //CROOK CHECK if skill 'Herding' >= 80 dclicktype '3713' backpack if not findtype '3713' backpack overhead 'No CROOK !' 945 wait 500 endif endif //------------------------------------------------------------- //INSTRUMENT CHECK if skill 'Music' >= 80 if not findtype '3762|3740 |3763|10245|3742' backpack overhead 'No INSTRUMENT !' 30 wait 500 endif endif //------------------------------------------------------------- // FOLLOWERS & MUSHROOM CHECK if skill 'Spirit Speak' >= 80 if followers < 4 and followers >= 2 overhead '[ - Summon Dead - ]' 945 endif if followers < 1 overhead '[ - No Summon - ]' 945 endif if not findtype '29012' backpack overhead '[ - Need Mushrooms ! -]' 945 endif if count 'mushroom' <= 5 and count 'mushroom' >= 1 overhead '[ - Low on Mushrooms ! -]' 945 endif endif //------------------------------------------------------------- // CURE POT CHECK 1 if findtype '3847' backpack < 6 and findtype '3847' backpack >= 1 overhead 'Low on Cure Pots!' 945 endif //------------------------------------------------------------- // CURE POT CHECK 2 if not findtype '3847' backpack overhead 'Out of Cure Pots!' 945 endif //------------------------------------------------------------- // HEAL POT CHECK 1 if findtype '3852' backpack < 5 and findtype '3852' backpack >= 1 overhead 'Low on Heal Pots!' 945 endif //------------------------------------------------------------- // HEAL POT CHECK 2 if not findtype '3852' backpack overhead 'Out of Heal Pots!' 945 endif //------------------------------------------------------------- //STR POT CHECK 1 if findtype '3849' backpack < 3 and findtype '3849' backpack >= 1 overhead 'Low on Strength Pots !' 945 endif //------------------------------------------------------------- //STR POT CHECK 2 if not findtype '3849' backpack overhead 'Out of Strength Pots !' 945 endif //------------------------------------------------------------- //RESIST POT CHECK 1 if not findtype '3846' backpack overhead 'Out of Resist Pots !' 945 endif //------------------------------------------------------------- //RESIST POT CHECK 2 if findtype '3846' backpack < 3 and findtype '3846' backpack >= 1 overhead 'Low on Resist Pots !' 945 endif //------------------------------------------------------------- //AGILITY POT CHECK 1 // if not findtype '3848' backpack // overhead 'Out of Agility Pots !' 945 // endif //------------------------------------------------------------- //AGILITY POT CHECK 2 // if findtype '3848' backpack < 2 and findtype '3848' backpack >= 1 // overhead 'Low on Agility Pots !' 945 // endif //------------------------------------------------------------- //TRACKING CHECK if skill 'tracking' >= 80 hotkey 'Tracking' wait 500 endif //------------------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------------------- // REGS CHECK if skill 'Magery' >= 50 //MANDRAKE--------------------------------------------- if counttype 3974 < 20 backpack overhead 'Low on MR !' 945 wait 200 endif //BLACK PEARL------------------------------------------ if counttype 3962 < 20 backpack overhead 'Low on BP !' 945 wait 200 endif //BLOOD MOSS-------------------------------------------- if counttype 3963 < 20 backpack overhead 'Low on BM !' 945 wait 200 endif //SULFUR ASH------------------------------------------- if counttype 3980 < 20 backpack overhead 'Low on SA!' 945 wait 200 endif //SPIDER SILK------------------------------------------ if counttype 3981 < 20 backpack overhead 'Low on SS !' 945 wait 200 endif //NIGHTSHADE-1------------------------------------------ if skill 'poisoning' >= 80 and counttype 3976 <= 200 backpack overhead 'Low on NS!' 945 wait 200 endif //NIGHTSHADE-2------------------------------------------ if skill 'poisoning' <= 80 and counttype 3976 <= 20 backpack overhead 'Low on NS!' 945 wait 200 endif //GARLIC----------------------------------------------- if counttype 3972 < 20 backpack overhead 'Low on GR !' 945 wait 200 endif //GINGENG--------------------------------------------- if counttype 3973 < 20 backpack overhead 'Low on GS !' 945 wait 200 endif endif //------------------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------------------- // FILL SATCHEL if findtype "reagent satchel" self as satchel if findtype 3963|3980|3974|3973|3981|3962|3976|3972 backpack menu satchel 0 endif endif //------------------------------------------------------------- endif //------------------------------------------------------------- ######################## #feedback to Anakin#0351