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Improved Picker waiting outside wagon to pick/loot and recall (P) by Jaseowns

# Automagic Tmapper Picker by Jaseowns # UO Outlands - @setvar! globalTimeout 650 if position 1828 998 while not gumpexists 3899019871 and findtype "blue moongate" ground 0 1 2 as jGate dclick jGate endwhile if gumpexists 3899019871 and findtype "blue moongate" ground 0 1 2 as jGate gumpresponse 2 3899019871 endif if not hidden useskill 'Hiding' endif wait 500 replay endif if not varexist chestWeWannaWork @setvar! chestWeWannaWork 0 endif if not timerexists chestOpenTimer createtimer chestOpenTimer settimer chestOpenTimer 3500 endif if dead overhead "RIP" 34 wait 5000 loop endif if findtype "metal chest|wooden chest" ground -1 -1 2 as chest overhead "finding monsters" hotkey 'Target Closest Grey Monster' wait 200 if insysmsg "No one matching" or not find lasttarget ground -1 -1 4 if chestWeWannaWork = chest // do nothing else dclick chest wait 200 @setvar! chestWeWannaWork chest endif endif if gumpexists 736038070 if not hidden useskill 'hiding' wait 200 if not hidden while not targetexists cast 'Invisibility' wait 50 endwhile if targetexists target 'self' endif endif endif sysmsg "Working chest..." 88 if timer chestOpenTimer >= 3500 if ingump "Cleared of Traps" 736038070 if findtype "lockpicks" backpack as picky gumpresponse 4 736038070 else overhead "No lockpicks left!" 34 endif else if findtype "drill" backpack as drilly gumpresponse 7 736038070 wait 200 if insysmsg "You do not have any trap tools of that material on hand." gumpresponse 5 736038070 endif else overhead "No trap tools left!" 34 endif endif settimer chestOpenTimer 0 endif wait 200 else // Gold while find chest ground -1 -1 2 and findtype 5356|24434|43206|29363|43166|22336|29348|17087|3985|8826|3827|29030|3836|5981|4248|5359|3839|3838|3843|2597|29036|48407|3834|3865|3859|3885|3856|3878|3877|3873|3861|3862|576|5123|7177|7027|3920|5131|5179|5075|3980|5060|5076|5042|10245|3938|3913|7169|3909|5063|5089|3981|7170|7033|3976|3762|5040|5103|5117|7181|7029|3568|6264|3742|5139|6263|7026|5125|3740|5121|3973|3974|5204|5105|5185|5078|5115|7175|5059|7034|3713|3915|5112|5070|5049|5119|5205|5046|3962|3934|7035|3911|7179|5106|5143|3573|3719|5177|7610|5181|3917|5132|3963|7031|5207|5056|5085|3763|5129|5187|3721|3972|5138|3570|5101|5061|5074|5142|5182|5146|6265|5090|5203|5044|5144|3932|5201|5127|3572|7173|5135|3937|3571|22326|27611|9917|3821|5356|8455|5362|45315|8454|22187|5901|7163|3617|3903|12686 chest as item getlabel item lootDesc overhead lootDesc wait 50 hotkey 'Grab Item' target item while queued wait 50 endwhile endwhile // Scrolls while find chest ground -1 -1 2 and findtype 7981|7982|7983|7984|7985|7986|7987|7988|7989|7990|7991|7992|7993|7994|7995|7996|7997|7998|7999|8000|8001|8002|8003|8004|8005|8006|8007|8008|8009|8010|8011|8012|8013|8014|8015|8016|8017|8018|8019|8020|8021|8022|8023|8024|8025|8026|8027|8028|8029|8030|8031|8032|8033|8034|8035|8036|8037|8038|8039|8040|8041|8042|8033|8044 chest as item getlabel item lootDesc overhead lootDesc wait 50 hotkey 'Grab Item' target item while queued wait 50 endwhile endwhile if findtype "reagent satchel" self as satchel menu satchel 0 wait 200 endif // quiver if findtype 12215 self as satchel menu satchel 0 wait 200 endif getlabel chestWeWannaWork chestDesc if "0 items, 0 stones" in chestDesc @clearignore while findtype "map" backpack as item getlabel item desc if "completed" in desc lift item drop chestWeWannaWork -1 -1 -1 wait globalTimeout endif @ignore item endwhile @clearignore menu chestWeWannaWork 1 @setvar! readyToShovel 1 script "RecallHomeAfterChest" endif endif endif wait 200 loop