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Small Paragon Chest Opener 2.0 by weteamsteve

Description: remove traps and lockpicks all paragon chests in bag, even if you have some already done

4wait 200
5while findtype 3712|3648|3650 backpack as found
6    clearsysmsg 
7    dclick found
8    wait 200
9    if not insysmsg "It appears to be locked."
10        overhead "Already unlocked." 43
11        ignore found
12        wait 600
13        continue
14    endif
16    #remove traps
17    while not insysmsg "successfully"
18        if insysmsg "devoid" 
19            break
20        endif
21        wait 250
22        gumpresponse 7
23        wait 3500
24    endwhile
26    while not insysmsg "successfully"
27        if insysmsg "devoid" 
28            break
29        endif
30        wait 250
31        gumpresponse 4
32        wait 3500
33    endwhile
34    ignore found