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Simple pre-hide Treasure Chest Looting (1) by Jaseowns

# Simple pre-hide Treasure Chest Looting (1) by Jaseowns # UO Outlands ########## ### TwoFastTwoFurious Stream ########## # Whats the point? # Running through the dungeon # Get near a chest, it will try and hide # if not, it will invis # loot that shit and go ## # We need to know if we have tools # We need to make sure we are still in range of the chest # Slow down the picking while dead overhead "Rip" wait 2500 endwhile if skill "Magery" > 60 and not hidden while not targetexists cast "Invisibility" wft 100 endwhile endif @clearignore for 16 if index > 0 and findtype 3651|3649|3648|3650|3708|2475 ground -1 -1 index as chest getlabel chest desc if "lock" in desc overhead "{{desc}} - {{index}} tiles" 88 chest break else overhead "Already opened - {{index}} tiles" 34 chest @ignore chest endif endif endfor @clearignore // If are arent near a chest- prep invis? @setvar! jaseowns_Chest 0 if findtype "wooden chest|metal chest" ground -1 -1 2 as item @setvar! jaseowns_Chest item endif if jaseowns_Chest = 0 overhead "Nothing in range" wait 200 replay else overhead "Փ ▼ THIS ▼ Փ" 88 jaseowns_Chest endif getlabel jaseowns_Chest desc @setvar! jaseowns_PickLock 0 @setvar! jaseowns_RemoveTrap 0 if "trap" in desc @setvar! jaseowns_RemoveTrap 1 endif if "lock" in desc @setvar! jaseowns_PickLock 1 endif if jaseowns_RemoveTrap = 1 or jaseowns_PickLock = 1 if targetexists hotkey "Target Self" endif warmode on warmode off dclick jaseowns_Chest waitforgump 736038070 500 elseif jaseowns_RemoveTrap = 0 and jaseowns_PickLock = 0 overhead "Already picked" 34 replay endif @setvar! jaseowns_UseGumpTimerCD 3500 settimer jaseowns_UseGumpTimer jaseowns_UseGumpTimerCD while jaseowns_RemoveTrap = 1 and gumpexists 736038070 if timer jaseowns_UseGumpTimer >= jaseowns_UseGumpTimerCD gumpresponse 7 736038070 waitforgump 736038070 500 settimer jaseowns_UseGumpTimer 0 endif if ingump "Cleared of Traps" 736038070 @setvar! jaseowns_RemoveTrap 0 break endif endwhile overhead "Cleared of traps" settimer jaseowns_UseGumpTimer jaseowns_UseGumpTimerCD while gumpexists 736038070 if timer jaseowns_UseGumpTimer >= jaseowns_UseGumpTimerCD gumpresponse 4 736038070 waitforgump 736038070 500 settimer jaseowns_UseGumpTimer 0 endif endwhile overhead "Cleared of Locks" // Are we near a chest? // Pick a chest // If picked // Gold while find jaseowns_Chest ground -1 -1 2 and findtype 24434|43206|29363|43166|22336|29348|17087|3985|8826|3827|29030|3836|5981|4248|5359|3839|3838|3843|2597|29036|48407|3834|3865|3859|3885|3856|3878|3877|3873|3861|3862|576|5123|7177|7027|3920|5131|5179|5075|3980|5060|5076|5042|10245|3938|3913|7169|3909|5063|5089|3981|7170|7033|3976|3762|5040|5103|5117|7181|7029|3568|6264|3742|5139|6263|7026|5125|3740|5121|3973|3974|5204|5105|5185|5078|5115|7175|5059|7034|3713|3915|5112|5070|5049|5119|5205|5046|3962|3934|7035|3911|7179|5106|5143|3573|3719|5177|7610|5181|3917|5132|3963|7031|5207|5056|5085|3763|5129|5187|3721|3972|5138|3570|5101|5061|5074|5142|5182|5146|6265|5090|5203|5044|5144|3932|5201|5127|3572|7173|5135|3937|3571|22326|27611|9917|3821|5356|8455|5362|45315|8454|22187|5901|7163|3617|3903|12686 jaseowns_Chest as item getlabel item lootDesc overhead lootDesc hotkey 'Grab Item' wft 500 target item while queued wait 50 endwhile endwhile // Scrolls while find jaseowns_Chest ground -1 -1 2 and findtype 7981|7982|7983|7984|7985|7986|7987|7988|7989|7990|7991|7992|7993|7994|7995|7996|7997|7998|7999|8000|8001|8002|8003|8004|8005|8006|8007|8008|8009|8010|8011|8012|8013|8014|8015|8016|8017|8018|8019|8020|8021|8022|8023|8024|8025|8026|8027|8028|8029|8030|8031|8032|8033|8034|8035|8036|8037|8038|8039|8040|8041|8042|8033|8044 jaseowns_Chest as item getlabel item lootDesc overhead lootDesc hotkey 'Grab Item' wft 500 target item while queued wait 50 endwhile endwhile if findtype "reagent satchel" self as item menu item 0 wait 200 endif // quiver if findtype 12215 self as item menu item 0 wait 200 endif