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Quick weapon swap example handles spell up by Jaseowns

# Quick weapon swap example handles spell up by Jaseowns # UO Outlands # This lets you hit the hotkey to swap between halberd and katan # without losing cursor // halberd @setvar! preferred_twohand_weapon_type_id 5182 // katana @setvar! preferred_onehand_weapon_type_id 5119 if findtype preferred_twohand_weapon_type_id lefthand if findtype preferred_onehand_weapon_type_id backpack as swappy if targetexists // clears our hands (unlock is not a valid spell) cast Unlock lift swappy drop self firstValid else dclick swappy endif else overhead "This is slow, find a damn one hander" 34 undress LeftHand endif elseif not findtype preferred_twohand_weapon_type_id lefthand if findtype preferred_twohand_weapon_type_id backpack as swappy if targetexists // clears our hands (unlock is not a valid spell) cast Unlock lift swappy drop self firstValid else dclick swappy endif endif endif