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Training Inscription using Crafting Queue but Recylce Wizard Hat into Stock Pile by Jaseowns
Description: Use the crafting queue but when you get to 100+ skill you want to use a magic wizard hat. That does not get recycled by the crafting queue so this script helps cut the hats up and put the cloth back on the stock pile.
1# Recycle Wizard Hat by Jaseowns
2# UO Outlands
3# Training Inscription, Restock Cloth into Stock Pile
4if findtype "scissors" backpack as jaseowns_Cutters
5 while not dead
6 if findtype 5912 backpack 0 as jaseowns_WizardHat
7 overhead "Recycle!" 89
8 dclick jaseowns_Cutters
9 wft 500
10 target jaseowns_WizardHat
11 endif
12 wait 500
13 if findtype 5990 backpack 0 as jaseowns_CutCloth
14 if findtype "resource container" ground -1 -1 2 as jaseowns_StockPile
15 menu jaseowns_StockPile 0
16 wft 500
17 target jaseowns_CutCloth
18 endif
19 endif
20 endwhile