Animal Taming by nabolas
Related: AnimalTaming
Description: This is a altered Jaseowns shelter dungeon taming script that will work to 120. Very easy to use and minimal setup!
1# Shelter Dungeon Animal Taming by Jaseowns
2# UO Outlands
4#Nabolas changes:
5# Changed to work past 80. has tons of information on taming and where to go.
6# Frog room lvl 1 shelter dungeon for 50-68 then move to shelter dungeon lvl 2.
7# Tame a colossal frog for a tank in the frog room to use before running the macro.
8# Use a colossal frog for tank till you leave shelter, then get a scarab.
9# 80-85 Deep Crawler
10# 85-90 Drake, Dragon Whelp or Sabeartooth
11# 90-95 Crab Husk
12#95-100 Dragon or Molten Mongbat
13#100-105 Snowdrift or Wisp
14#105-110 Earth Drake or Acarid
15#110-115 Sphinx or Aegis Minion
16#115-120 Earth Dragon, Eldritch Dragon or Colossal Sandroach
18@setvar! doYouWantATankPetToTryAndStayAlive 1
19if not varexist jankPet
20 @setvar! jankPet 0
23if doYouWantATankPetToTryAndStayAlive = 1
24 if followers > 0 and jankPet = 0
26 if tameThisThing != 0 and find tameThisThing ground -1 -1 2
27 getlabel tameThisThing tamedDesc
28 if "tame" in tamedDesc
29 overhead "Automatically setting jankPet"
30 @setvar! jankPet tameThisThing
31 endif
32 endif
34 if jankPet = 0
35 overhead "Select your tank pet to keep alive" 88
36 sysmsg "Select your tank pet to keep alive" 88
37 @setvar! jankPet
38 endif
39 elseif jankPet != 0 and followers = 0
40 @setvar! jankPet 0
41 endif
44if skill "Animal Taming" < 50
45 overhead "Go train to 50 skill" 88
46 stop
47elseif skill "Animal Taming" >= 120
48 overhead "Taming Capped! Congrats!!" 88
49 stop
52@setvar! tamingTimerCd 11500
53if not timerexists tamingTimer
54 settimer tamingTimer tamingTimerCd
57if not timerexists sayTimer
58 settimer sayTimer 0
61@setvar! healPetCheckTimerCd 10000
62if not timerexists healPetCheckTimer
63 settimer healPetCheckTimer healPetCheckTimerCd
66@setvar! overheadHelperTimerCd 2000
67if not timerexists overheadHelperTimer
68 settimer overheadHelperTimer overheadHelperTimerCd
71@setvar! skillTimerCd 11000
72if not timerexists skillTimer
73 settimer skillTimer skillTimerCd
76if dead
77 overhead "You dead bro" 34
78 wait 1000
79 replay
82if doYouWantATankPetToTryAndStayAlive = 1 and skill "veterinary" > 0
83 if find jankPet ground -1 -1 2 and timer healPetCheckTimer >= healPetCheckTimerCd
84 if not bandaging and findtype "clean bandage%s%" backpack as item
85 dclick item
86 wft 200
87 target jankPet
88 settimer healPetCheckTimer 0
89 if targetexists
90 hotkey "Cancel current target"
91 endif
92 endif
93 endif
96if followers = 0
97 @setvar! myFollowers 0
98 settimer sayTimer 0
99elseif followers = 1
100 @setvar! myFollowers 1
101elseif followers = 2
102 @setvar! myFollowers 2
103elseif followers = 3
104 @setvar! myFollowers 3
105elseif followers = 4
106 @setvar! myFollowers 4
107elseif followers = 5
108 @setvar! myFollowers 5
109 overhead "Too many followers - release some!" 88
110 if tameThisThing != 0
111 if skill "herding" > 0
112 while not gumpexists 2426193729
113 menu tameThisThing 10
114 wait 50
115 endwhile
116 else
117 while not gumpexists 2426193729
118 menu tameThisThing 9
119 wait 50
120 endwhile
121 endif
122 while gumpexists 2426193729
123 gumpresponse 1 2426193729
124 wait 50
125 endwhile
126 else
127 wait 2000
128 endif
129 replay
134@setvar! tameThisThing 0
136if skill "Animal Taming" < 60
137 while findtype "a mongbat|a giant rat|a guar|a wolf|a familiar|a giant frog|a primordial whelp|a colossal frog|a giant bat|a monitor hatchling" ground -1 -1 8 as janimal
138 getlabel janimal desc
139 if "released" in desc
140 // ignore them
141 @ignore janimal
142 elseif "tame" in desc or "bonded" in desc
143 // ignore them
144 @ignore janimal
145 else
146 @setvar! tameThisThing janimal
147 break
148 endif
149 endwhile
150elseif skill "Animal Taming" < 75
151 while findtype "a primordial|a cave bear|a corpse eater|a familiar|a guar|a wolf|a giant frog|a primordial whelp|a colossal frog|a giant bat|a monitor hatchling" ground -1 -1 8 as janimal
152 getlabel janimal desc
153 if "released" in desc
154 // ignore them
155 @ignore janimal
156 elseif "tame" in desc or "bonded" in desc
157 // ignore them
158 @ignore janimal
159 else
160 @setvar! tameThisThing janimal
161 break
162 endif
163 endwhile
165//my changes
166elseif skill "Animal Taming" < 80
167 while findtype "a corpse eater|a primordial|a cave bear|a drake whelp|a chameleon" ground -1 -1 8 as janimal
168 getlabel janimal desc
169 if "released" in desc
170 // ignore them
171 @ignore janimal
172 elseif "tame" in desc or "bonded" in desc
173 // ignore them
174 @ignore janimal
175 else
176 @setvar! tameThisThing janimal
177 break
178 endif
179 endwhile
182elseif skill "Animal Taming" < 85
183 while findtype "a deep crawler" ground -1 -1 8 as janimal
184 getlabel janimal desc
185 if "released" in desc
186 // ignore them
187 @ignore janimal
188 elseif "tame" in desc or "bonded" in desc
189 // ignore them
190 @ignore janimal
191 else
192 @setvar! tameThisThing janimal
193 break
194 endif
195 endwhile
197elseif skill "Animal Taming" < 90
198 while findtype "a drake|a dragon whelp|a sabeartooth" ground -1 -1 8 as janimal
199 getlabel janimal desc
200 if "released" in desc
201 // ignore them
202 @ignore janimal
203 elseif "tame" in desc or "bonded" in desc
204 // ignore them
205 @ignore janimal
206 else
207 @setvar! tameThisThing janimal
208 break
209 endif
210 endwhile
213elseif skill "Animal Taming" < 95
214 while findtype "a husk crab" ground -1 -1 8 as janimal
215 getlabel janimal desc
216 if "released" in desc
217 // ignore them
218 @ignore janimal
219 elseif "tame" in desc or "bonded" in desc
220 // ignore them
221 @ignore janimal
222 else
223 @setvar! tameThisThing janimal
224 break
225 endif
226 endwhile
229elseif skill "Animal Taming" < 100
230 while findtype "a dragon|a molten mongbat" ground -1 -1 8 as janimal
231 getlabel janimal desc
232 if "released" in desc
233 // ignore them
234 @ignore janimal
235 elseif "tame" in desc or "bonded" in desc
236 // ignore them
237 @ignore janimal
238 else
239 @setvar! tameThisThing janimal
240 break
241 endif
242 endwhile
245elseif skill "Animal Taming" < 105
246 while findtype "a snowdrift|a wisp" ground -1 -1 8 as janimal
247 getlabel janimal desc
248 if "released" in desc
249 // ignore them
250 @ignore janimal
251 elseif "tame" in desc or "bonded" in desc
252 // ignore them
253 @ignore janimal
254 else
255 @setvar! tameThisThing janimal
256 break
257 endif
258 endwhile
261elseif skill "Animal Taming" < 110
262 while findtype "an earth drake|an acarid" ground -1 -1 8 as janimal
263 getlabel janimal desc
264 if "released" in desc
265 // ignore them
266 @ignore janimal
267 elseif "tame" in desc or "bonded" in desc
268 // ignore them
269 @ignore janimal
270 else
271 @setvar! tameThisThing janimal
272 break
273 endif
274 endwhile
277elseif skill "Animal Taming" < 115
278 while findtype "a sphinx|an aegis minion" ground -1 -1 8 as janimal
279 getlabel janimal desc
280 if "released" in desc
281 // ignore them
282 @ignore janimal
283 elseif "tame" in desc or "bonded" in desc
284 // ignore them
285 @ignore janimal
286 else
287 @setvar! tameThisThing janimal
288 break
289 endif
290 endwhile
293elseif skill "Animal Taming" >= 120
294 while findtype "an earth dragon|an eldritch dragon|a colossal sandroach" ground -1 -1 8 as janimal
295 getlabel janimal desc
296 if "released" in desc
297 // ignore them
298 @ignore janimal
299 elseif "tame" in desc or "bonded" in desc
300 // ignore them
301 @ignore janimal
302 else
303 @setvar! tameThisThing janimal
304 break
305 endif
306 endwhile
308//end of my changes
311if tameThisThing != 0
313 if timer overheadHelperTimer >= overheadHelperTimerCd
314 overhead "!! attempting to tame !!" 88 tameThisThing
315 settimer overheadHelperTimer 0
316 endif
318 clearsysmsg
320 settimer tamingTimer 0
321 settimer sayTimer 0
323 if followers > 0
324 say "all kill"
325 wft 500
326 target tameThisThing
327 settimer sayTimer 0
328 wait 200
329 while timer sayTimer < 2550
330 endwhile
331 say "all follow me"
332 wait 1000
333 warmode off
334 endif
336 @setvar! isTamed 0
337 @setvar! isTaming 1
339 while isTaming = 1
341 if dead
342 replay
343 endif
345 if doYouWantATankPetToTryAndStayAlive = 1 and skill "veterinary" > 0
346 if find jankPet ground -1 -1 2 and timer healPetCheckTimer >= healPetCheckTimerCd
347 if not bandaging and findtype "clean bandage%s%" backpack as item
348 dclick item
349 wft 200
350 target jankPet
351 settimer healPetCheckTimer 0
352 if targetexists
353 hotkey "Cancel current target"
354 endif
355 endif
356 endif
357 endif
359 while not targetexists and not dead
360 dclicktype "dagger" backpack
361 wft 500
362 endwhile
363 if targetexists
364 target tameThisThing
365 endif
366 wait 200
367 if insysmsg "That is too far away."
368 overhead "Too far away bro.. move closer!" 34
369 overhead "THIS IS MY TARGET" 88 tameThisThing
370 wait 500
371 if timer tamingTimer > 15000
372 @setvar! isTaming 0
373 endif
374 elseif insysmsg "use a bladed item on that"
375 clearsysmsg
376 if timer skillTimer >= skillTimerCd
378 getlabel tameThisThing isItTamedYetDesc
380 if "tame" in isItTamedYetDesc
381 @setvar! isTamed 1
382 @setvar! isTaming 0
383 break
384 endif
386 while not targetexists and not dead
387 useskill "taming"
388 wft 500
389 endwhile
390 target tameThisThing
391 settimer skillTimer 0
392 endif
393 wait 200
394 if insysmsg "That is too far away."
395 overhead "Too far away bro" 34
396 @setvar! isTaming 0
397 elseif insysmsg "Target cannot be seen."
398 overhead "Cannot be seen bro" 29
399 @setvar! isTaming 0
400 elseif targetexists
401 @setvar! isTaming 0
402 hotkey "cancel current target"
403 endif
404 endif
405 endwhile
407 if followers > 3 and isTamed = 1 and tameThisThing != 0
408 if skill "herding" > 0
409 while not gumpexists 2426193729
410 menu tameThisThing 10
411 wait 50
412 endwhile
413 else
414 while not gumpexists 2426193729
415 menu tameThisThing 9
416 wait 50
417 endwhile
418 endif
419 while gumpexists 2426193729
420 gumpresponse 1 2426193729
421 wait 50
422 endwhile
423 endif
425elseif timer overheadHelperTimer >= overheadHelperTimerCd
426 overhead "Nothing to tame found!" 34
427 settimer overheadHelperTimer 0
431wait 100