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Veterinary Training for Tamer/Mage by nabolas

1# Train Veterinary to your max skill By Jaseowns
2# UO Outlands
3# Nabolas' updated Vet training for Tamer/Mage
4# The script just didn't work very well when you have no melee combat.
5# Changed the script up to work for a Tamer/Mage, uses magic arrow to deal dmg to the pet.
6# Load up on Sulfurous Ash and bandages.
9@setvar! yourMaxVetSkillToTrainTo 120
10overhead "Select your pet to attack and heal" 88
11@setvar! jasePetOne
12wait 650
13say "all kill"
14wft 500
15target jasePetOne
18while not dead 
20    attack jasePetOne
21    if not bandaging
22        cast "magic arrow"
23        wft 1000
24        target jasePetOne
25        wait 650
26        if findtype "clean bandage%s%" backpack as item
27            if not targetexists
28                dclick item
29                wft 500
30            endif
31            target jasePetOne
32            pause 5500
33         else
34            overhead "Out of aids!" 34
35            wait 2000
36            break
37        endif
38    endif
39    wait 650
40    if skill "Veterinary" >= yourMaxVetSkillToTrainTo
41        break
42    endif
45warmode off
47say "all stop"