Taming Trainer by Brozan (Syal)
Related: AnimalTaming
1# Clear messages
4overhead 'Starting autotamer'
6# Setup timers
7createtimer 'bandageTimer'
8createtimer 'tamingTimer'
9createtimer 'aid time'
10createtimer 'healpot time'
11createtimer 'anti pot spam'
12createtimer 'low mana'
14# Setup tank variable
15 overhead 'Select your tank pet'
16 setvar! 'tank'
17 say 'all follow me'
20# Skip waiting the full cycle before Starting
21settimer 'bandageTimer' 20000
22settimer 'tamingTimer' 20000
23settimer 'healpot time' 20000
24settimer 'anti pot spam' 20000
26# Main Loop
27while not dead
28 # Setup target list for each taming skill bracket.
29 # 0-50 = Buy Skill
30 # 50-60
31 removelist 'petarray'
32 createlist 'petarray'
33 if skill 'Taming' < 60
34 # Frog = 80
35 pushlist 'petarray' '80'
37 # 60-70
38 elseif skill 'Taming' < 70
39 # Cave Bear
40 pushlist 'petarray' '213'
42 # 70-75
43 elseif skill 'Taming' < 75
44 # Scarab
45 pushlist 'petarray' '169'
47 # 75-80
48 elseif skill 'Taming' < 80
49 # Drake Whelp
50 pushlist 'petarray' '718'
52 # 80-85
53 elseif skill 'Taming' < 85
54 # Deep Crawler
55 pushlist 'petarray' '315'
57 # 85-90
58 elseif skill 'Taming' < 90
59 # Drake grey body
60 pushlist 'petarray' '60'
61 # Drake red body
62 pushlist 'petarray' '61'
63 # dragon welp
64 pushlist 'petarray' '718'
66 # 90-95
67 elseif skill 'Taming' < 95
68 # Husk Crab
69 pushlist 'petarray' '729'
71 # 95-100
72 elseif skill 'Taming' < 100
73 # or Dragon grey body
74 pushlist 'petarray' '12'
75 # or Dragon red body
76 pushlist 'petarray' '59'
77 # Dragon whelp
78 # pushlist 'petarray' '718'
80 # 100-105
81 elseif skill 'Taming' < 105
82 # Snow Drift
83 pushlist 'petarray' '51'
85 # 105-110
86 elseif skill 'Taming' < 110
87 # Drake grey body
88 pushlist 'petarray' '60'
89 # Drake red body
90 pushlist 'petarray' '61'
91 # Acarid
92 pushlist 'petarray' '385'
94 # 110-115
95 elseif skill 'Taming' < 115
96 # Aegis Minion
97 pushlist 'petarray' '776'
98 # or Sphinx
99 pushlist 'petarray' '293'
101 # 115-120
102 elseif skill 'Taming' < 120
103 # Grey Dragon body value
104 pushlist 'petarray' '12'
105 # Red Dragon body value
106 pushlist 'petarray' '59'
107 # or Colossal Sandroach
108 pushlist 'petarray' '388'
110 # 120+
111 else
112 overhead 'Congratulations on 120 taming!'
113 unsetvar 'tank'
114 stop
115 endif
117 # If hurt, send pet to aggro then heal self
118 if diffhits > 5
119 # Have pet guard to grab all aggro
120 say 'all guard me'
122 # Healing Survival
123 if skill 'Healing' > 1
124 if insysmsg 'You begin applying the bandages'
125 settimer 'aid time' 0
126 endif
127 if hits < maxhits and timer 'aid time' > 10250
128 hotkey 'bandage self'
129 settimer 'aid time' 0
130 endif
131 endif
133 # Magery Survival
134 if skill 'Magery' > 1
135 # Check if we have enough regs, skip loop if we dont.
136 if counttype 'garlic' < 1 or counttype "spider's silk" < 1 or counttype "ginseng" < 1 or counttype "Mandrake Root%s%" < 1
137 //'
138 overhead "Not enough regs to heal" 33
139 pause 5000
140 continue
141 endif
142 # Spell interrupt warnings, pause to give a chance to run away
143 if insysmsg 'concentration is disturbed'
144 overhead 'Interrupted cast! Waiting 2 second' 33
145 wait 2000
146 endif
148 # Mana warnings
149 if mana < 40 and timer 'low mana' > 3000
150 overhead 'Low Mana' 88
151 settimer 'low mana' 0
152 elseif mana < 20 and timer 'low mana' > 3000
153 overhead 'OOM' 33
154 settimer 'low mana' 0
155 endif
157 # If hurt, attempt to heal
158 if hits < maxhits
159 # If casting something already, wait before attempting to heal.
160 if insysmsg 'already casting' or insysmsg 'frozen and cannot move'
161 overhead 'Already casting! Waiting 2 second' 33
162 wait 2000
163 endif
165 # If under 35 HP and we cant heal pot, quick heal and reset heal timer
166 # Interrupt and clearall targets before attempting to self-cast to avoid harming self
167 if hits < 35 and timer 'healpot time' < 10000 and timer 'anti pot spam' < 1000
168 interrupt
169 clearall
170 hotkey 'Cancel current target'
171 pause 250
172 hotkey '> Mini-Heal/Cure Self'
173 pause 250
174 settimer 'magery heal' 3001
175 elseif hits < maxhits
176 # Otherwise just use greater heal to heal up.
177 interrupt
178 clearall
179 hotkey 'Cancel current target'
180 pause 250
181 hotkey '> Greater Heal/Cure Self'
182 pause 250
183 settimer 'magery heal' 0
184 endif
185 endif
186 endif
188 # Cure Survival
189 if poisoned 'self' and timer 'anti pot spam' > 1000
190 overhead 'Used: Cure Potion' 33
191 hotkey 'Drink Cure'
192 settimer 'anti pot spam' 0
193 endif
195 # Heal Potion
196 if hits < 35 and timer 'healpot time' > 10000 and timer 'anti pot spam' > 1000
197 overhead 'Used: Heal Potion' 33
198 hotkey 'Drink Heal'
199 settimer 'healpot time' 0
200 settimer 'anti pot spam' 0
201 endif
203 # pause a few seconds to aggro
204 pause 3000
205 say 'all follow me'
206 warmode off
207 endif
208 if find 'tank' 'ground' -1 1 5
209 if timer 'bandageTimer' > 40000
210 hotkey 'Use Bandage (No Timer)'
211 pause 250
212 target 'tank'
213 pause 500
214 if insysmsg 'not damaged'
215 settimer 'bandageTimer' 15000
216 else
217 settimer 'bandageTimer' 0
218 endif
219 endif
220 else
221 overhead 'Cannot heal tank, too far away!' 33
222 pause 3000
223 endif
224 # Search for pet to tame
225 foreach pettarget in petarray
226 # Tracking
227 if insysmsg 'Now tracking'
228 overhead 'Tracking Found!' 33
229 overhead 'Recalling' 33
230 say 'all follow me'
231 ################################################
233 ################################################
234 dclick 0x40F706DE
235 waitforgump 1551740969
236 gumpresponse 5
237 ################################################
238 endif
240 # Warn if followers are full
241 if followers >= 5
242 overhead 'Clear up follower count to tame' 33
243 pause 1000
244 //continue
245 endif
247 # Attempt to tame pet
248 if findtype pettarget 'ground' -1 1 4 as 'mypettarget'
249 # Attempt to heal tank pet
252 if noto 'mypettarget' = friend
253 interrupt
254 clearall
255 # If the mypetarget is already tamed, skip.
256 say 'all kill'
257 wft 250
258 target 'mypettarget'
259 pause 5000
260 say 'all follow me'
261 else
262 # Otherwise tame it.
263 warmode off
264 if timer 'tamingTimer' > 13000
265 interrupt
266 clearall
267 useskill 'Taming'
268 wft 1000
269 target 'mypettarget'
270 settimer 'tamingTimer' 0
271 endif
272 endif
273 else
274 pause 1000
275 endif
276 poplist petarray pettarget
277 endfor
280# Dead exit
281if dead
282 unsetvar 'tank'
283 stop