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Proof of concept pvp (4) by Jaseowns

# Proof of concept pvp by jaseowns # UO Outlands # Use at your own risk //seowns: exp eb lightning //teleskinsis // explosion // pot // eb # WooZoo: harm magic arrow fireball lighting # Magic Arrow > Weakness > explode > Tele > ExplodePOT # arrow para explosion eb paralyze # magic arrow until resist is gone, expo, weaken, expo, ebolt? # telekensis / explo pot / explo / magic arrow / mindblast / lightning / lightning @setvar! myKillTarget lasttarget overhead "MY TARGET IS HERE" 34 myKillTarget while not targetexists cast 'Magic Arrow' endwhile target myKillTarget overhead "MY TARGET IS HERE" 34 myKillTarget while not targetexists cast 'Weaken' endwhile target myKillTarget overhead "MY TARGET IS HERE" 34 myKillTarget if findtype "Purple Potion" backpack as pot if not cooldown jaseowns while not targetexists cast 'Telekinesis' endwhile target myKillTarget cooldown jaseowns 30000 wait 200 endif dclick pot wft 500 target myKillTarget overhead "MY TARGET IS HERE" 34 myKillTarget endif while not targetexists cast 'Explosion' endwhile target myKillTarget overhead "MY TARGET IS HERE" 34 myKillTarget while not targetexists cast 'Energy Bolt' endwhile target myKillTarget overhead "MY TARGET IS HERE" 34 myKillTarget while not targetexists cast 'Harm' endwhile target myKillTarget wait 200