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Plant a plant by Jaseowns

# Plant a plant by Jaseowns # UO Outlands if gumpexists 3224608375 if ingump "Harvest Plant" 3224608375 overhead "ready to harvest" gumpresponse 2 3224608375 wait 500 replay elseif ingump "Add Plant Seed" 3224608375 if findtype "seed of renewal" backpack as item overhead "add a plant seed" gumpresponse 2 3224608375 wft 500 target item wait 1000 replay else overhead "We do not have a seed!" 34 wait 5000 replay endif elseif ingump "Add or Use Item" 3224608375 overhead "we dunno know" endif endif stop ########################### // INFO FROM STREAM:: ########################### // if insysmsg "You harvest a plant" // 2 is harvest button // gumpresponse 2 3224608375 // dclick 0x4317EBFA waitforgump 3224608375 // 3,4,5 is the buttons "with taste id" gumpresponse 3 3224608375 gumpresponse 4 3224608375 gumpresponse 5 3224608375 // 7 is the next button on bottom right gumpresponse 7 3224608375 // the last button on the bottom right scarecrow thing gumpresponse 13 3224608375 // 6 iks the left back button after clicking 7 gumpresponse 6 3224608375