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Cooldown Triggers for Detective Lens by Jaseowns

# Cooldown Triggers for Detective Lens by Jaseowns # UO Outlands # Requirements: # Setup the following cooldowns: # - use a default cooldown of 10 seconds # - checkmark hide when inactive # - make sure to select Overhead Message as type ######### # name: redhand message: They appear to be a Red Hand # name: greyhand message: They appear to be a Grey Hand # name: notathief message: You do not notice anything unique about them ######### if cooldown "redhand" say "Stop RedHand thief!" 34 cooldown "redhand" 0 elseif cooldown "greyhand" say "You are a greyhand thief, proceed." 76 cooldown "greyhand" 0 elseif cooldown "notathief" say "You are not a thief, thanks!" 88 cooldown "notathief" 0 endif wait 200 loop