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InfoGrabber Razor Script by Jaseowns

Description: This one will be called from the client macro - so make sure to use the name "InfoGrabber"

/// We are going to be walking throuhg the dungeon // hitting S on our keyboard to pull up info and animal lore on targets // when it finds something it will take a screenshot /// i need to save the name/hue/body - which is a blue copy/pasta box // ideally we only take a screenshot when we find a new mob // changes it to wild if gumpexists 3280914284 gumpresponse 4 3280914284 endif hotkey "Target Closest Non-Friendly Monster" wait 200 @setvar! myInfoTarget lasttarget getlabel myInfoTarget desc overhead desc 88 myInfoTarget sysmsg "MOB DUMP: {{desc}}" say "[Coords" hotkey 'Take screenshot now' wait 1500 overhead "All done grabbing you!"