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Auto Snoop Pouches (tries to pop reds) by Jaseowns

Description: These may no longer work due to recent patch:

# Auto Snoop Pouches and Pop Red ones by Jaseowns # UO Outlands - # These may no longer work due to recent patch: @setvar! tbag lastobject if counttype "pouch" tbag 38 as foundPouches overhead "{{foundPouches}} trapped pouches found!" 38 while findtype "pouch" tbag 38 as found dclick found ignore found wait 500 endwhile clearignore endif if counttype "pouch" tbag 0 as foundPouches overhead "{{foundPouches}} un-trapped pouches found!" 77 while findtype "pouch" tbag 0 as found dclick found ignore found wait 1200 endwhile clearignore endif