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Ultimate Thief Trainer by Jaseowns

1# Ultimate Thief Trainer by Jaseowns
2# UO Outlands
4@setvar! trainHiding 1
5@setvar! trainTracking 1
6@setvar! trainCamping 1
7@setvar! trainStealth 1
8@setvar! trainStealingAndSnoopingOnDip 1
10if not timerexists jaseTrainingTimer 
11    settimer jaseTrainingTimer 11000
14if not timerexists jaseTrainingDipperTimer 
15    settimer jaseTrainingDipperTimer 11000
18while not dead
19    if trainTracking = 1
20        if not findbuff "tracking"
21            clearsysmsg
22            while not gumpexists 4267467659
23                useskill 'tracking'
24                wait 200
25            endwhile
26            if gumpexists 4267467659
27                while not insysmsg "You will now hunt all hostile players."
28                    gumpresponse 8 4267467659
29                    waitforgump 4267467659 5000
30                endwhile
31                gumpresponse 6 4267467659
32                wait 200
33            endif
34            gumpclose 4267467659
35        endif
36    endif
38    if trainCamping = 1
39        if not findtype "campfire" ground -1 -1 2
40            if findtype "kindling" backpack as jindling
41                dclick jindling
42            else
43                overhead "We have no kindling" 34
44            endif
45        endif
46    endif
48    if trainStealingAndSnoopingOnDip = 1
49        if findtype "pickpocket dip" ground -1 -1 2 as dipper
50            if timer jaseTrainingDipperTimer >= 10500
51                dclick dipper
52                settimer jaseTrainingDipperTimer 0
53            endif
54        endif
55    endif
57    if trainHiding = 1
58        if timer jaseTrainingTimer >= 10500
59            if skill "hiding" < 80 or not hidden
60                useskill 'Hiding'
61                settimer jaseTrainingTimer 0
62            endif
63        endif
65        if timer jaseTrainingTimer >= 10500
66            if hidden and trainStealth = 1 and skill 'stealth' < 100
67                useskill 'Stealth'
68                settimer jaseTrainingTimer 0
69            else
70                useskill 'Hiding'
71                settimer jaseTrainingTimer 0
72            endif
73        endif
74    endif
76    wait 200