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Bard Buff hotkey by Jaseowns

1# Bard buff hotkey by Jaseowns
2# UO Outlands
3# Description: Tries to buff yo self
4if skill "Discordance" > 0
5    if not findbuff "song of discordance"
6        useskill 'Discordance'
7        wft 500
8        target backpack
9        for 11
10            overhead "Waiting for cooldown..." 88
11            wait 1000
12        endfor
13    endif
16if skill "Provocation" > 0
17    if not findbuff "song of provocation"
18        useskill 'Provocation'
19        wft 500
20        target backpack
21        for 11
22            overhead "Waiting for cooldown..." 88
23            wait 1000
24        endfor
25    endif
28if skill "Peacemaking" > 0
29    if not findbuff "song of peacemaking"
30        useskill 'Peacemaking'
31        wft 500
32        target backpack
33        for 11
34            overhead "Waiting for cooldown..." 88
35            wait 1000
36        endfor
37    endif