Lockpicking Using Restock (T8 Edition) by zerotokraken
Description: You need to specify your mastery chain that has an open slot. You will need pouches in your inventory (the intention is to drop into Trapped Pouches for the millisecond it hasn't hit the chain yet)
1@setvar PauseTime 750
5if findtype "metal chest|wooden chest" ground -1 -1 2 as LockedBox
6 @setvar 'LockCheck' 0
7 dclick chain
8 wait PauseTime
9 dclick LockedBox
10 if not hidden
11 cast 'Invisibility'
12 wft
13 target self
14 endif
15 pause PauseTime
16 if insysmsg 'It appears to be locked'
17 @setvar 'LockCheck' 1
18 endif
19 if 'LockCheck' = 1
20 gumpresponse 4
21 overhead 'Picking Lock..' 20
22 pause 200
23 while not insysmsg 'You successfully pick the lock.'
24 if insysmsg 'You make some progress on the lock.'
25 overhead 'Progress!' 88
26 pause 200
27 @clearsysmsg
28 endif
29 if insysmsg 'You fail to make any progress on the lock'
30 overhead 'Failed!' 32
31 pause 200
32 @clearsysmsg
33 endif
34 endwhile
35 overhead 'Picking Success!' 63
36 endif
37 if 'LockCheck' = 0
38 overhead 'Chest not Locked!' 32
39 endif
40 while findtype 'chain link' LockedBox as link
41 if findtype 'pouch' backpack as pouch
42 lift link
43 drop pouch
44 gumpresponse 9
45 endif
46 endwhile
47 restock 10
48 waitfortarget
49 target LockedBox
50 pause PauseTime
51 while findtype "metal chest|wooden chest" ground -1 -1 2 as LockedBox
52 getlabel LockedBox desc2
53 if '(0 items, 0 stones)' in desc2
54 menu LockedBox 1
55 target clear
56 if weight < 464
57 if weight < 394
58 hotkey 'Recall'
59 overhead 'Recalling!'
60 waitfortarget
61 targettype 'runetome'
62 endif
63 if weight >= 394
64 hotkey 'Drink Strength'
65 wait 1000
66 hotkey 'Recall'
67 overhead 'Recalling!'
68 waitfortarget
69 targettype 'runetome'
70 endif
71 endif
72 if weight >= 464
73 overhead 'Too heavy to recall!'
74 hotkey 'Gate Travel'
75 overhead 'Gating'
76 waitfortarget
77 targettype 'runetome'
78 wait 100
79 if findtype 3948 'ground' 0 1 2 as 'bluegate'
80 dclick 'bluegate'
81 waitforgump 3899019871
82 gumpresponse 2
83 cast 'Dispel Field'
84 waitfortarget
85 target self
86 endif
87 endif
88 endif
89 endwhile