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Dungeon Lockpicker & Priority Loot by neverstopswing

Description: This loots in priority based off of potential loot value. I don't have every antiquity in here as this is a WIP.

@setvar PauseTime 650 @clearsysmsg @clearignore for 16 if index > 0 and findtype 3651|3649|3648|3650|3708|2475 ground -1 -1 index as chest getlabel chest desc if "lock" in desc overhead "{{desc}}" 88 chest break else overhead "{{desc}}" 34 chest @ignore chest endif endif endfor if skill 'Hiding' >= 100 useskill 'Hiding' endif if not find 'lootbag' 'self' overhead 'Select where to loot to' setvar 'lootbag' endif if findtype "metal chest|wooden chest" ground -1 -1 2 as LockedBox @setvar 'LockCheck' 0 dclick LockedBox pause PauseTime if insysmsg 'It appears to be locked' @setvar 'LockCheck' 1 endif if 'LockCheck' = 1 gumpresponse 7 overhead 'Removing Traps..' 20 while not insysmsg 'You have successfully cleared it of traps' and not insysmsg 'That appears to be devoid of traps' if insysmsg 'You make some progress towards clearing it of traps' overhead 'Progress!' 88 pause 200 @clearsysmsg endif if insysmsg 'You fail to make any progress towards removing traps' overhead 'Failed!' 32 pause 200 @clearsysmsg endif endwhile gumpresponse 4 overhead 'Picking Lock..' 20 pause 200 while not insysmsg 'You successfully pick the lock.' if insysmsg 'You make some progress on the lock.' overhead 'Progress!' 88 pause 200 @clearsysmsg endif if insysmsg 'You fail to make any progress on the lock' overhead 'Failed!' 32 pause 200 @clearsysmsg endif endwhile overhead 'Picking Success!' 63 endif if 'LockCheck' = 0 overhead 'Chest not Locked!' 32 endif while findtype 42576|41509|29361|45127|18654|18655|47105|47107 LockedBox as Loot getlabel loot lootlabel overhead lootlabel 1150 lift Loot 100 drop lootbag -1 -1 0 wait PauseTime endwhile while findtype 3985|24434|22336|3843|3839|29025|3842|3838|8826|5359|5981 LockedBox as Loot getlabel loot lootlabel overhead lootlabel 1150 lift Loot 100 drop lootbag -1 -1 0 wait PauseTime endwhile while findtype 3827|3836|48407|43166|4248|3843|29036|2594|5356|17087|29030 LockedBox as Loot getlabel loot lootlabel overhead lootlabel 1150 lift Loot 100 drop lootbag -1 -1 0 wait PauseTime endwhile while findtype 3878|3873|3856|3865|3859|3862|3877|3885|3861 LockedBox as Loot getlabel loot lootlabel overhead lootlabel 1150 lift Loot 100 drop lootbag -1 -1 0 wait PauseTime endwhile if diffweight > 50 while findtype 3821 LockedBox as Loot getlabel loot lootlabel overhead lootlabel 1150 lift Loot 10000 drop lootbag -1 -1 0 wait PauseTime endwhile endif endif