Easy Pull using Mage Bot Summons by Jaseowns
# Easy Pull using Mage Bot Summons by Jaseowns
# UO Outlands
# Use this in combo-nation with Mage Bot
// https://outlands.uorazorscripts.com/mage-bot
if not varexist myPatrolPet
@setvar! myPatrolPet 0
if find myPatrolPet ground -1 -1 10
// do nothing
elseif find earthOne ground -1 -1 10
@setvar! myPatrolPet earthOne
elseif find earthTwo ground -1 -1 10
@setvar! myPatrolPet earthTwo
elseif find fireOne ground -1 -1 10
@setvar! myPatrolPet fireOne
elseif find fireTwo ground -1 -1 10
@setvar! myPatrolPet fireTwo
elseif find demonOne ground -1 -1 10
@setvar! myPatrolPet demonOne
elseif find demonTwo ground -1 -1 10
@setvar! myPatrolPet demonTwo
elseif find airOne ground -1 -1 10
@setvar! myPatrolPet airOne
elseif find airTwo ground -1 -1 10
@setvar! myPatrolPet airTwo
elseif find waterOne ground -1 -1 10
@setvar! myPatrolPet waterOne
elseif find waterTwo ground -1 -1 10
@setvar! myPatrolPet waterTwo
@setvar! myPatrolPet 0
overhead "We do not know which pet to choose" 34
if myPatrolPet = 0
// do nothing
menu myPatrolPet 2
wft 500
while targetexists
wait 50
hotkey "Play script: Mage\MageBot"