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Peace making example by Jaseowns

1# Peace making example by Jaseowns
2# UO Outlands
3@setvar! checkThisTarget lasttarget 
5getlabel checkThisTarget desc
6overhead desc 88 checkThisTarget
8if "peace" in desc
9    // leave empty
11    useskill 'Peacemaking'
12    wft 500
13    if insysmsg "What instrument"
14        if findtype "bamboo flute" backpack as inny
15            target inny
16        elseif findtype "tambourine" backpack as inny
17            target inny
18        elseif findtype "drum" backpack as inny
19            target inny
20        elseif findtype "lute" backpack as inny
21            target inny
22        elseif findtype "lap harp" backpack as inny
23            target inny
24        else
25            overhead "I do not have an inny" 34
26            wait 2000
27            replay
28        endif
29        wft 500
30    endif
31    target checkThisTarget