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Simple MinerJacker by Traston

Description: This script will do either mining or jacking mattering on what is equipped. has a captcha check. will not do anything unattended. Have to manually activate tracking. this is really simple.

1hotkey 'use item in hand'
2wft 300
3if insysmsg "What do you want"
4    waitfortarget 
5    target self
6    wft 500
7    if insysmsg "You do not see any"
8        overhead 'Spot Done' 33
9        sysmsg 'Spot Done' 33
10        clearsysmsg 
11    break
12    endif
13    wft 3000
15wft 1000
16if insysmsg "You do not see any"
17    overhead 'Spot Done' 33
18    sysmsg 'Spot Done' 33
19    clearsysmsg 
22wait 300
23 if not insysmsg "skill gain" and not insysmsg "You do not see any" and not insysmsg 'You hack' and not insysmsg 'You chop' and not insysmsg 'world  is saving' and not insysmsg 'world will save' and not insysmsg 'World save complete' and not insysmsg 'You dig' and not insysmsg 'You loosen' and not insysmsg 'Distance to destination' and not insysmsg  'Now tracking'
24    wait 300
25    if not insysmsg "skill gain" and not insysmsg "You do not see any" and not insysmsg 'You hack' and not insysmsg 'You chop' and not insysmsg 'world  is saving' and not insysmsg 'world will save' and not insysmsg 'World save complete' and not insysmsg 'You dig' and not insysmsg 'You loosen' and not insysmsg 'Distance to destination' and not insysmsg  'Now tracking'
26                overhead 'Captcha break' 34
27    break
28    endif