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Jase Self Heal (E) - Town struggle learnings by Jaseowns

1# Jase Self Heal (E) - Town struggle learnings by Jaseowns
2# UO Outlands
3# WIP: havent touched it in awhile
5if dead 
6    stop
8if targetexists "harmful" or targetexists "neutral"
9    hotkey 'Cancel Current Target'
10    wait 100
12overhead "*** SMART HEAL ***" 11
14//hotkey '> Interrupt'
15//wait 100
16//if insysmsg "You must wait another moment before you may"
17//    replay
19warmode off
20if targetexists "beneficial"
21    if diffhits >= 11
22        hotkey "Target Self"
23    else
24        wait 200
25        replay
26    endif
28//while not dead and hp = maxhp and not targetexists "beneficial"
29//    cast "Greater Heal"
30//    wait 100
32if hp < maxhp
33    if diffhits < 3 and poisoned
34        while not dead and not targetexists
35            cast "Cure"
36            wait 100
37        endwhile
38        hotkey "Target Self"
39        replay
40    elseif diffhits <= 11
41        while not dead and not targetexists
42            cast "Heal"
43            wait 100
44        endwhile
45        hotkey "Target Self"
46    elseif diffhits >= 20
47        while not dead and not targetexists
48            if diffhits >= 100 and diffhits <= 80
49                cast "Heal"
50            else
51                cast "Greater Heal"    
52            endif
53            wait 100
54        endwhile
55        hotkey "Target Self"
56        wait 100
57        replay
58    elseif poisoned
59        while not dead and  not targetexists
60            cast "Cure"
61            wait 100
62        endwhile
63        hotkey "Target Self"
64    endif
65    wait 100
66    replay
69overhead "Done"