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Train Lockpicking and Remove Trap with shelf restock by Jaseowns

Description: This script will use your shelf to restock lockpicks and trap tools while training your lockpicking and remove trap skills to 100.

# Lockpicking and Remove Trap by Jaseowns # UO Outlands # You may edit the skill checks to match your max skill # Requires: lockpick training box, lockpicks and trap removal tools # Shelf loadout: needs to have iron lockpick tools and iron trap tools if findtype "strong box" backpack if skill "Lockpicking" < 100 overhead 'Lockpicking' 88 if findtype "lockpicks" backpack dclicktype "lockpicks" backpack wft targettype "strong box" backpack wait 4000 else overhead "No lock picks!" 34 if findtype "storage shelf" ground -1 -1 2 as shelf overhead 'Restocking...' 88 dclick shelf waitforgump 3232825965 2000 gumpresponse 7 waitforgump 3232825965 2000 gumpclose 3232825965 endif wait 500 endif endif if skill "Remove Trap" < 100 overhead 'Remove trap' 88 if findtype "drill" backpack dclicktype "drill" backpack wft targettype "strong box" backpack wait 4000 else overhead "No trap tools!" 34 if findtype "storage shelf" ground -1 -1 2 as shelf overhead 'Restocking...' 88 dclick shelf waitforgump 3232825965 2000 gumpresponse 7 waitforgump 3232825965 2000 gumpclose 3232825965 endif wait 500 endif endif loop else overhead "No training box" 34 endif