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Train Archery and heal pet by Jaseowns

Description: I used this in shelter to easily get to 80 archery.

# Train Archery and heal pet by Jaseowns # UO Outlands # I used this in shelter to easily get to 80 archery. overhead "Select pet to attack and heal" @setvar! jase_MyHealAttackTarget if followers > 0 say "all follow me" 88 wait 200 endif @setvar! jase_StopAtArcherySkill 80 @setvar! jase_MyHealTimerCooldown 30000 settimer jase_MyHealTimer jase_MyHealTimerCooldown overhead "Fighting until we are at {{jase_StopAtArcherySkill}} skill" 34 while skill "Archery" < jase_StopAtArcherySkill if timer jase_MyHealTimer > jase_MyHealTimerCooldown and findtype 3617 backpack as item if not bandaging while not targetexists dclick item wft 500 endwhile if targetexists target jase_MyHealAttackTarget endif endif settimer jase_MyHealTimer 0 endif attack jase_MyHealAttackTarget wait 200 endwhile overhead "We have reached {{jase_StopAtArcherySkill}} skill" 88 warmode off