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Make sure you have an earth pet and water pet (P) by Jaseowns

# Make sure you have an earth pet and water pet by Jaseowns # UO Outlands if not listexists petNameList createlist petNameList endif if list petNameList = 0 pushlist petNameList "jaseearth" pushlist petNameList "jaseearthtwo" pushlist petNameList "jasetwo" pushlist petNameList "jasethree" endif if not varexist myEarthPet @setvar! myEarthPet 0 endif if not varexist myWaterPet @setvar! myWaterPet 0 endif if dead myEarthPet or not find myEarthPet ground -1 -1 12 if followers < 4 while mana < 50 overhead "waiting for mana" 88 if not findbuff "Actively Meditating" useskill "meditation" endif wait 200 endwhile cast "earth elemental" wait 6000 if findtype "an earth elemental" ground -1 -1 2 as myPet if noto myPet = "friend" and list petNameList > 0 foreach petName in petNameList rename myPet petName break endfor poplist petNameList "front" endif @setvar! myEarthPet myPet endif say "all guard me" endif endif if dead myWaterPet or not find myWaterPet ground -1 -1 12 if followers < 4 while mana < 50 overhead "waiting for mana" 88 if not findbuff "Actively Meditating" useskill "meditation" endif wait 200 endwhile cast "water elemental" wait 6000 if findtype "a water elemental" ground -1 -1 2 as myPet if noto myPet = "friend" and list petNameList > 0 foreach petName in petNameList rename myPet petName break endfor poplist petNameList "front" endif @setvar! myWaterPet myPet endif say "all guard me" endif endif wait 1000 replay //overhead myEarthPet //while not dead myEarthPet // overhead "we have a tank" 88 // wait 1000 //dwhile //overhead "Tank down" 34 //skill 'meditation' //skill 'meditation'