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Bapeth's One-Tile Item Dumper by barryroser

Description: The script automates the process of sorting and dumping items into specific containers. It relies on a setup where you have a "one-tile" storage system in your house. The script handles various types of items and uses a series of commands to sort and store them efficiently.

# Bapeths One-Tile Item Dumper # # This script will quickly dump and sort all items you acquire while adventuring in Outlands. # If you ever need to reset storage items, tomes, containers etc... simply delete the variables in Script Options # # "***REQUIRED***" # # Use this script when you have items to dump/sort in your house while standing on yout one-tile storage setup # # Items this script uses are as follows: # # "Do not put any of these items inside containers" # "All of these items should be locked down in your inn room or house" # # Two containers of any kind # A rare cloth tome # A dyes tome # An arcane rune tome # A treasure map tome # A ship upgrade tome # A skill mastery tome # A collectable card tome # An ore map tome # A skinning map tome # A lumber map tome # A fishing map tome # A storeage shelf # A bank deposit box # A garden shelf # A resource stockpile # A magic item recycler # A magic item vault # A repair bench # # Script starts here... if not varexist firsttimedumper55 @setvar firsttimedumper55 backpack overhead "Welcome to Bapeths One Tile Item Dumper..." 156 pause 8000 overhead "This script uses many required storage items within a 2 tile radius..." 1172 pause 9000 overhead "Please ensure that you have all required items locked down and/or secured within 2 tiles of your character before using the script..." 156 pause 10000 overhead "When you are ready, place your character on your one-tile dump spot and play the script..." 156 stop endif if not varexist lootchestdump overhead "Set Main Loot Container" 88 hotkey "Cancel Current Target" setlasttarget wft 500 while targetexists //donothing endwhile @setvar "lootchestdump" lasttarget overhead "Loot Container Set" 77 endif if not varexist lootchestdump2 overhead "Set Second Loot Container" 88 hotkey "Cancel Current Target" setlasttarget wft 500 while targetexists //donothing endwhile @setvar "lootchestdump2" lasttarget overhead "Loot Container Set" 77 endif if not varexist rareclothtome if findtype "book" ground 1495 -1 2 as book @setvar "rareclothtome" book endif endif if not varexist dyestome if findtype "book" ground 1494 -1 2 as book @setvar "dyestome" book endif endif if not varexist arcanerunetome if findtype "book" ground 2085 -1 2 as book @setvar "arcanerunetome" book endif endif if not varexist treasuremaptome if findtype "book" ground 2990 -1 2 as book @setvar "treasuremaptome" book endif endif if not varexist shipupgradetome if findtype "book" ground 2877 -1 2 as book @setvar "shipupgradetome" book endif endif if not varexist skillmasterytome if findtype "book" ground 2963 -1 2 as book @setvar "skillmasterytome" book endif endif if not varexist collectablecardtome if findtype "book" ground 2141 -1 2 as book @setvar "collectablecardtome" book endif endif if not varexist oremaptome if findtype "book" ground 2796 -1 2 as book @setvar "oremaptome" book endif endif if not varexist skinningmaptome if findtype "book" ground 2651 -1 2 as book @setvar "skinningmaptome" book endif endif if not varexist lumbermaptome if findtype "book" ground 2799 -1 2 as book @setvar "lumbermaptome" book endif endif if not varexist fishingmaptome if findtype "book" ground 2722 -1 2 as book @setvar "fishingmaptome" book endif endif if not varexist repbench if findtype "repair bench" ground -1 -1 2 as rbench @setvar "repbench" rbench endif endif if not varexist deposafe if findtype "bank deposit safe" ground -1 -1 2 as bsafe @setvar "deposafe" bsafe endif endif if not varexist myshelf if findtype "storage shelf" ground -1 -1 2 as shelf @setvar "myshelf" shelf endif endif if not varexist gardenshelf if findtype "barrel planter shelf|garden shelf" ground -1 -1 2 as gshelf @setvar "gardenshelf" gshelf endif endif if not varexist respile if findtype "resource container" ground -1 -1 2 as pile @setvar "respile" pile endif endif if not varexist magicrecycler if findtype "magic item recycler|ornate elven chest" ground -1 -1 2 as recycle @setvar "magicrecycler" recycle endif endif if not varexist magicchest if findtype "sm magic item vault|magic item chest" ground -1 -1 2 as mchest @setvar "magicchest" mchest endif endif if magery >= 30 and mana >= 4 and not findbuff "Reactive Armor" cast 'Reactive Armor' endif //Repair Bench dclick repbench while findtype "iron ore" backpack as ore dclick ore pause 600 endwhile while findtype "12686" backpack as bessence lift bessence 60000 drop magicrecycler -1 -1 0 while queued pause 600 endwhile endwhile //Dumping all items menu respile 0 waitfortarget 1000 target 'self' menu gardenshelf 0 waitfortarget 1000 target 'self' menu rareclothtome 0 menu dyestome 0 menu arcanerunetome 0 menu treasuremaptome 0 menu shipupgradetome 0 menu skillmasterytome 0 menu collectablecardtome 0 menu oremaptome 0 menu skinningmaptome 0 menu lumbermaptome 0 menu fishingmaptome 0 menu magicrecycler 1 while findtype "gold coin" as bgold lift bgold 60000 drop deposafe -1 -1 0 while queued pause 600 endwhile endwhile while findtype "doubloon" backpack as bdoubloon lift bdoubloon 60000 drop deposafe -1 -1 0 while queued pause 600 endwhile endwhile while findtype "void orb" backpack as bvoid lift bvoid 60000 drop lootchestdump -1 -1 0 while queued pause 600 endwhile endwhile while findtype "research materials" backpack as bresearch lift bresearch 60000 drop lootchestdump -1 -1 0 while queued pause 600 endwhile endwhile while findtype "spell hue deed" backpack as bdeed lift bdeed 60000 drop lootchestdump -1 -1 0 while queued pause 600 endwhile endwhile while findtype "bag of gems" backpack as bpirateboot lift bpirateboot 60000 drop lootchestdump2 -1 -1 0 while queued pause 600 endwhile endwhile while findtype "12686" backpack as bessence lift bessence 60000 drop magicrecycler -1 -1 0 while queued pause 600 endwhile endwhile while findtype "chroma core" backpack as chromac lift chromac 60000 drop lootchestdump -1 -1 0 while queued pause 600 endwhile endwhile while findtype "chroma distil" backpack as chromad lift chromad 60000 drop lootchestdump -1 -1 0 while queued pause 600 endwhile endwhile while findtype "black market goods" backpack as bmg lift bmg 60000 drop lootchestdump -1 -1 0 while queued pause 600 endwhile endwhile while findtype "redline bottle" backpack as redlinebot lift redlinebot 60000 drop lootchestdump -1 -1 0 while queued pause 600 endwhile endwhile while findtype "card" backpack as eventitem lift eventitem 60000 drop lootchestdump2 -1 -1 0 while queued pause 600 endwhile endwhile //Resupply while not dead pause 1000 clearsysmsg gumpclose 3232825965 dclick myshelf waitforgump 3232825965 500 gumpresponse 1000 waitforsysmsg "Which container do you wish to restock" 6000 target self waitforsysmsg "items were added." 6000 dclick myshelf waitforgump 3232825965 500 gumpresponse 7 waitforgump 3232825965 500 gumpclose 3232825965 break endwhile if magery >= 80 and mana >= 14 and not findbuff "Magic Reflection" cast 'Magic Reflection' endif clearall overhead 'My Dump is Complete' 181