Yottawatts's Gold Drop Script by Yottawatts
Description: Yottawatts's Gold Drop
1#Yottawatts 8/13/2022
2#Drops gold into a stack on the ground if overweight
3#Set amount and container
4#You can drop the gold on a deathbox to pick it all back up when done
5#Note: 50 gold coins is 1 stone
6if findtype 'gold coin' backpack as Coin
7 lift Coin 5
8 if findtype 'gold coin' ground -1 -1 2 as GroundCoin
9 drop 'GroundCoin' -1 -1 1
10 endif
11 droprelloc 0 0
12#droprelloc drops the gold at your feet it no stack found
13#clearall helps if you press to fast item will get stuck in hand, can remove.
14 clearall