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Simple and Improved Ban Bot by Jaseowns

Description: UPDATED 1/15/2025 for new sign gump response

1# Simple and Improved Ban Bot by Jaseowns
2# UO Outlands
3# Requirements:
4#   You need to setup a friends list called
5#           "BanBot"
6#   If you do not have that friends list setup
7#   The script will error
9#   You can use >info on your sign to not have to select
10#   it when you run the script (update line 25)
11#   example: 
12#   @setvar! homeSign 0x433A9C17
14#   If you have multiple homes, you can add position checks
15#   and set the sign automagically based on the position
16#   example on line 22
18#   Requested and loved by Stickmanx89
19#   UPDATED 1/15/2025 for new sign gump response
21sysmsg "Select your house sign (or >info and paste the serial on line 25)" 88
22overhead "Select your house sign (or >info and paste the serial on line 25)" 88
23if position 4082 731
24    @setvar! homeSign 0x433A9C17
26    @setvar! homeSign
29while not dead
30    clearsysmsg 
31    hotkey 'Next non-friendly player target'
32    wait 200
33    if insysmsg "no one matching"
34        // do nothing
35    else 
36        while not gumpexists 2490201206
37            dclick homeSign
38            waitforgump 2490201206 500
39        endwhile
40        while not targetexists and gumpexists 2490201206 
41            gumpresponse 23 2490201206
42            wft 500
43        endwhile
44        target lasttarget 
45        wait 200
46        if insysmsg "You cannot eject a friend of the house!"
47            hotkey "Add Target To: BanBot"
48            wft 500
49            target lasttarget
50        elseif insysmsg "This person is already banned"
51            hotkey "Add Target To: BanBot"
52            wft 500
53            target lasttarget
54        endif  
55    endif
56    wait 50