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Easy Discordance / Peacemaking Hotkey by Jaseowns

1# Easy Discordance / Peacemaking Hotkey by Jaseowns
2# UO Outlands
3@setvar myKillTarget
5if not timerexists sCheck
6    createtimer sCheck
7    settimer sCheck 11000
10while not dead myKillTarget and skill "Discordance" > 0
11    if timer sCheck >= 5000
12        useskill 'Discordance'
13        wft 500
14        if insysmsg "What instrument"
15            if findtype "bamboo flute" backpack as inny
16                target inny
17            elseif findtype "tambourine" backpack as inny
18                target inny
19            elseif findtype "drum" backpack as inny
20                target inny
21            elseif findtype "lute" backpack as inny
22                target inny
23            elseif findtype "lap harp" backpack as inny
24                target inny
25            else
26                overhead "I do not have an inny" 34
27                wait 2000
28                replay
29            endif
30            wft 500
31        endif
33        if targetexists 
34            target myKillTarget
35            wait 200
36            if insysmsg "you play success"
37                settimer sCheck 0
38                break
39            elseif insysmsg "t incite that!"
40                break
41            endif
42        endif
44        else
45            overhead "Waiting for skill cooldown..." 88
46        endif
47    endif
51while not dead myKillTarget and skill "Peacemaking" > 0
52    if timer sCheck >= 5000
53        useskill 'Peacemaking'
54        wft 500
55        if insysmsg "What instrument"
56            if findtype "bamboo flute" backpack as inny
57                target inny
58            elseif findtype "tambourine" backpack as inny
59                target inny
60            elseif findtype "drum" backpack as inny
61                target inny
62            elseif findtype "lute" backpack as inny
63                target inny
64            elseif findtype "lap harp" backpack as inny
65                target inny
66            else
67                overhead "I do not have an inny" 34
68                wait 2000
69                replay
70            endif
71            wft 500
72        endif
74        if targetexists 
75            target myKillTarget
76            wait 200
77            if insysmsg "you play success"
78                settimer sCheck 0
79                break
80            elseif insysmsg "t incite that!"
81                break
82            endif
83        endif
85        else
86            overhead "Waiting for skill cooldown..." 88
87        endif
88    endif
91// Add in any other script here you want to atuomatically call after this is done
92// Look under hotkeys Play Script for the name
93# hotkey "Play Script: Dexxer\AutoBotDex"