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Potion Buffs: Handle all weapon types by Jaseowns

# Potion Buffs: Handle all weapon types by Jaseowns # UO Outlands # # This handles: Alchemy, all two handed, one handed and shield builds # This only drinks buff potions if you need them # There will be another script for healing, cures and red pots. // Check buff controllers @setvar! checkStr 1 @setvar! checkDex 1 @setvar! checkMagic 1 @setvar! needStrBuff 0 @setvar! needDexBuff 0 @setvar! needMagicBuff 0 if checkStr = 1 and not findbuff "Strength" @setvar! needStrBuff 1 endif if checkDex = 1 and not findbuff "Agility" @setvar! needDexBuff 1 endif if checkMagic = 1 and not findbuff "Magic Resist Potion" @setvar! needMagicBuff 1 endif if needStrBuff = 1 and not findtype "White Potion" backpack overhead "No white potions!" 34 @setvar! needStrBuff 0 endif if needDexBuff = 1 and not findtype "Blue Potion" backpack overhead "No blue agi potions!" 34 @setvar! needDexBuff 0 endif if needMagicBuff = 1 and not findtype "Black Potion" backpack @setvar! needMagicBuff 0 endif @setvar! jaseCanDrinkPotion 0 if needStrBuff = 1 or needDexBuff = 1 or needMagicBuff = 1 // katana and battleaxe are hardcoded @setvar! minimumWaitForPing 200 @setvar! jaseRightHand 0 @setvar! jaseLeftHand 0 @setvar! needTwoHandSwap 0 @setvar! needShieldSwap 0 if skill "Alchemy" >= 80 @setvar! jaseCanDrinkPotion 1 else if not findlayer self lefthand and not findlayer self righthand @setvar! jaseCanDrinkPotion 1 else if findlayer self lefthand as myLefthand @setvar! jaseLeftHand myLefthand endif if findlayer self righthand as myRightHand @setvar! jaseRightHand myRightHand endif if not lhandempty if not rhandempty @setvar! jaseCanDrinkPotion 0 else // handle two handed weapons getlabel jaseLeftHand desc if skill "Swordsmanship" > 0 if "axe" in desc or "bardiche" in desc or "halberd" in desc @setvar! jaseCanDrinkPotion 0 @setvar! needTwoHandSwap 1 else @setvar! jaseCanDrinkPotion 1 endif elseif skill "Mace Fighting" > 0 if "staff" in desc or "crook" in desc or "war hammer" in desc @setvar! jaseCanDrinkPotion 0 @setvar! needTwoHandSwap 1 else @setvar! jaseCanDrinkPotion 1 endif elseif skill "Fencing" > 0 if "spear" in desc or "pitchfork" in desc @setvar! jaseCanDrinkPotion 0 @setvar! needTwoHandSwap 1 else @setvar! jaseCanDrinkPotion 1 endif elseif skill "Archery" > 0 if "bow" in desc or "heavy crossbow" in desc @setvar! jaseCanDrinkPotion 0 @setvar! needTwoHandSwap 1 else @setvar! jaseCanDrinkPotion 1 endif elseif skill "Wrestling" > 0 @setvar! jaseCanDrinkPotion 1 endif endif endif if not rhandempty if lhandempty @setvar! jaseCanDrinkPotion 1 else @setvar! needShieldSwap 1 endif endif endif endif if jaseCanDrinkPotion = 1 // do nothing else if needTwoHandSwap = 1 if skill "Swordsmanship" > 0 and findtype "cutlass|broadsword|scimitar|viking sword|longsword|katana" backpack as item dclick item wait minimumWaitForPing elseif skill "Mace Fighting" > 0 and findtype "maul|war axe|war mace|mace|hammer pick|club" backpack as item dclick item wait minimumWaitForPing elseif skill "Fencing" > 0 and findtype "kryss|war fork|dagger" backpack as item dclick item wait minimumWaitForPing elseif skill "Archery" > 0 and findtype "crossbow" backpack as item dclick item wait minimumWaitForPing else hotkey 'Arm/Disarm Left Hand' wait minimumWaitForPing endif @setvar! jaseCanDrinkPotion 1 elseif needShieldSwap = 1 hotkey 'Arm/Disarm Left Hand' @setvar! jaseCanDrinkPotion 1 wait minimumWaitForPing endif endif if jaseCanDrinkPotion = 1 if needStrBuff = 1 if findtype "White Potion" backpack as jotion overhead "chug" dclick jotion wait minimumWaitForPing else overhead "No STR potion found!" 34 endif endif if needDexBuff = 1 if findtype "Blue Potion" backpack as jotion overhead "chug" dclick jotion wait minimumWaitForPing else overhead "No AGI potion found!" 34 endif endif if needMagicBuff = 1 if findtype "Black Potion" backpack as jotion overhead "chug" dclick jotion wait minimumWaitForPing else overhead "No MR potion found!" 34 endif endif if needTwoHandSwap = 1 dclick jaseLeftHand wait minimumWaitForPing elseif needShieldSwap = 1 hotkey 'Arm/Disarm Left Hand' endif endif endif