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Ultimate Begging Script by Jaseowns

# Ultimate Begging Script by Jaseowns # UO Outlands # Doing it live: # Requirements: # Make a friends list called IgnoreNpcs. # Make sure enabled is checkmarked # Make sure Next/Prev Target ignores 'Friends' is checkmarked hotkey "Next Monster Target" @setvar! myTargetCheck lasttarget if find myTargetCheck ground -1 -1 2 if noto myTargetCheck = "invulnerable" overhead "im near this person and we can beg" useskill 'Begging' wft 500 target myTargetCheck for 10 wait 500 if insysmsg "You have been given" overhead "we got the goods time to move on" 88 hotkey 'Add Target To: IgnoreNpcs' wft 500 target myTargetCheck endif endfor endif endif replay