Move bolts and arrows to your quiver by Jaseowns
1# Move bolts and arrows to your quiver by Jaseowns
2# UO Outlands
3# Description:
4# The findlayer of quiver didn't work so
5# we just check self using the id.
6@setvar! globalWaitTime 650
8// quiver - the name does not work
9if findtype 12215 self as myQuiver
10 while findtype "crossbow bolt" backpack as bolts
11 overhead "Moving bolts" 88
12 lift bolts 60000
13 drop myQuiver -1 -1 -1
14 wait globalWaitTime
15 endwhile
17 while findtype "arrow" backpack as bolts
18 overhead "Moving arrows" 88
19 lift bolts 60000
20 drop myQuiver -1 -1 -1
21 wait globalWaitTime
22 endwhile