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Hide-Stealth-Wizhat by KCJones210

Description: Toggles warmode off, hides, counts down to stealth, stealths, turns warmode back on, then runs Jase's wizard hat script as long as you name it "wizhat"

2warmode "off"
3wait 100
4if not hidden 
5    useskill 'hiding'
6wait 500
7overhead '10' 945
8wait 1000
9overhead '9' 945
10wait 1000
11overhead '8' 945
12wait 1000
13overhead '7' 945
14wait 1000
15overhead '6' 945
16wait 1000
17overhead '5' 945
18wait 1000
19overhead '4' 945
20wait 1000
21overhead '3' 945
22wait 1000
23overhead '2' 945
24wait 1000
25overhead '1' 945
26wait 1200
27useskill 'stealth'
29    useskill 'stealth'
31wait 100
32warmode "on"
33wait 100
35if insysmsg 'you begin to move quietly'
36overhead '::Stealthed!::' 945
37script 'wizhat'