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Spyglass For Boats with Blue Boat Detection by Brozan (Syal)

Description: Uses a spyglass and selects boat options. Uses ingump to search for blue ships and plays an alert if one found

1gumpclose 2890020940
2wait 250
3gumpclose 2890020940
4wait 250
5dclicktype 'spyglass'
6waitfortarget 1200
7target 'self'
8wait 350 
9gumpresponse 4 2890020940
10wait 350 
11if ingump "a small ship" 2890020940 or  ingump "a small dragonship" 2890020940 or   ingump "a medium ship" 2890020940 or    ingump "a medium dragonship" 2890020940 or  ingump "a large ship" 2890020940 or     ingump "a large dragonship" 2890020940 or   ingump "a carrack" 2890020940 or   ingump "a galleon" 2890020940
12        overhead "Player BOAT" 43
13        wait 250
14        overhead "Player BOAT" 43
15        wait 250
16        overhead "Player BOAT" 43
18while ingump "Next" 2890020940
19    gumpresponse 3 2890020940
20    wait 350
21    if ingump "a small ship" 2890020940 or  ingump "a small dragonship" 2890020940 or   ingump "a medium ship" 2890020940 or    ingump "a medium dragonship" 2890020940 or  ingump "a large ship" 2890020940 or     ingump "a large dragonship" 2890020940 or   ingump "a carrack" 2890020940 or   ingump "a galleon" 2890020940
22        overhead "Player BOAT" 43
23        wait 250
24        overhead "Player BOAT" 43
25        wait 250
26        overhead "Player BOAT" 43
27    endif
30wait 6500
31script "stayalive2"