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Use Any Mount Token by alistormccoy

// Use Any Mount Token // Set to a hotkey and it will have you mount or dismount accordingly :) // The client will sometimes not remember what is inside your adventurers satchel // so this will attempt to open your satchel if the mount isnt immediately found // Thank you "Nevor" for the item id compendium! // if findtype 8417|8438|8478|8479|8480|8481|8484|8488|8501|8502|8503|9052|43320 as "mount" dclick "mount" elseif findtype 24246 as "satchel" dclick "satchel" wait 500 if findtype 8417|8438|8478|8479|8480|8481|8484|8488|8501|8502|8503|9052|43320 as "mount" dclick "mount" endif endif