Loot Containers [TIME] by zerotokraken
Description: Script solely to loot runes directly to your Time Satchel and loot to your lootbag.
1# Loot Time Containers
3# 19976-19980 Circle 1 Runes
4# 19981-19985 Circle 2 Runes
5# 19986-19990 Circle 3 Runes
6# 19991-19995 Circle 4 Runes
7# 3827 Arcane Scrolls
8# 29030 Plant Chemicals
9# 58325 Colonial Marks
10# 5356 Treasure Maps
11# 24434 Research Materials
12# 49729-49730 Time Vase
13# 17087 MCDs
14# 22336 Skill Balls
15# 3985 Cores
16# 8826 Skill Scrolls
18while findtype 'metal chest|barrel|wooden chest|wooden box|metal box|bookcase|crate|bones|bag|backpack|armoire|chest of drawers|strong box|small crate|keg' ground -1 -1 2 as CHEST
19 dclick CHEST
20 ignore CHEST
21 wait 650
24#change this findtype to your preferred loot bag, you can change this to a specific bag with some slight modifications
25if findtype 3702 backpack as pouch
26 while findtype 'metal chest|barrel|wooden chest|wooden box|metal box|bookcase|crate|bones|bag|backpack|armoire|chest of drawers|strong box|small crate|keg' ground -1 -1 2 as CHEST
27 while findtype 19976|19977|19978|19979|19980|19981|19982|19983|19984|19985|19986|19987|19988|19989|19990|19991|19992|19993|19994|19995|54570 CHEST as RUNE
28 if findtype 'Time bag' self as satchel
29 drop backpack
30 lift RUNE 60000
31 wait 650
32 drop satchel -1 -1
33 elseif findtype 'Time bag' backpack as satchel
34 drop backpack
35 lift RUNE 60000
36 wait 650
37 drop satchel -1 -1
38 else
39 drop backpack
40 lift RUNE 60000
41 wait 650
42 drop pouch -1 -1
43 endif
44 endwhile
45 while findtype 53696|50278|49482|54831|55420|54591|50612|53876|18705|49528|54601|54717|55247|53280|54570|53473|55204|53694|54230|54718 CHEST as RELIC
46 drop backpack
47 lift RELIC 60000
48 wait 650
49 drop pouch
50 endwhile
51 while findtype '19912|5928' CHEST as rares
52 drop backpack
53 lift rares 60000
54 wait 650
55 drop pouch -1 -1
56 endwhile
57 while findtype 3873|3865|3878|8826|3985|17087|5356|12686|29030|58325|24434|49730|49729|22336 CHEST as loot
58 drop backpack
59 lift loot 60000
60 wait 650
61 drop pouch -1 -1
62 endwhile
63 while findtype 3859|3861|3856|3877|3862|3873|3865|3878|3885 CHEST as gems
64 drop backpack
65 lift gems 60000
66 wait 650
67 drop pouch -1 -1
68 endwhile
69 while findtype 3827 CHEST 2609 as ARCANES
70 drop backpack
71 lift ARCANES 60000
72 wait 650
73 drop pouch -1 -1
74 endwhile
75 ignore CHEST
76 endwhile