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Willobe's edit of Jaseowns Ultimate Magery Summoner Nox Necro script With Summon logic by Willobe

Description: Added in the logic to setup your summon type in the config and summon them. It will also check to see if the pet is dead and re-summon. Added organizer option to the config as well to trigger at the end if you want to use it (i use it to move reagents to a satchel that i loot)

# One hotkey mage cycle, nox, poison by Jaseowns # UO Outlands - # - Added Summon logic and organizer - by Willobe // Beta client for cooldowns // cooldowns for mushrooms, mana vampire and healpots // for now using timers # Set this to one, if you want to cast poison once no matter what # If you have 100 poisoning and want Lethal, set this to 0 @setvar! castPoisonAnyway 1 # We will spam mind blast when other skills are on cooldown # If you set this to 0 it will use flamestrike @setvar! spamMindBlastOverFlamestrike 1 # This will auto replay this script if you want it too @setvar! autoBotEnabled 1 # This will make sure you have bless on @setvar! blessYourself 1 # Update this variable to 1 for ALL KILL # Update this variable to 0 for target nearest @setvar! setThisAsOneIfYouWantToTargetYourOwnKillOrItWillTargetClosestMonster 1 ############### ### Edit these cooldowns to match your wizard grimoire ###### @setvar! canYouMakeAMushroom 1 @setvar! cdLightning 40000 @setvar! cdMagicArrow 20000 @setvar! cdHarm 20000 @setvar! cdFireball 60000 ############### ### Necro Cooldowns ###### @setvar! cdEvilOmen 30000 @setvar! cdVampiricEmbrace 30000 @setvar! cdCorpseSkin 30000 @setvar! cdMindRot 30000 @setvar! cdVengSpirit 30000 @setvar! cdWither 30000 #### Necro Symbols @setvar! necro_has_enough_symbols 0 #### Buff Cooldowns @setvar! cdMushroom 60000 @setvar! cdMagicShield 60000 @setvar! cdReactiveArmor 60000 ######## ###### Summon Type - 2 Larger and 1 small total of 5 follower count #### ## Select Larger Summon Type (2 follower slots) ## 0= none, 1 = Air Elemental(a Skeletal Fiend), 2 = Summon Daemon(A Vampire Thrall), 3 = Earth Elemental(An Ancient Mummy), 4 = Fire Elemental(A Lich), 5 = Water Elemental(A Rag Witch) @setvar! summonLargeOne 3 @setvar! summonLargeTwo 4 ##Select Smaller Summon Type (1 Follower slot) ## 0 = none, 1 = Summon Creature (random undead), 2 = Blade Spirits(A Skeletal Husk) *Only one Allowed* @setvar! summonSmallOne 1 ##### ##### Orangize loot in your back at the end of the loop like to move reagents you loot to your satchel ## ## If set to 0 then do not run organizer, otherwise setup your organizer number in razor 1-20 @setvar! organizerNumber 20 ################################################################## # # Hopefully you do not have to edit after this :) # ################################################################## // Make sure we have a spell book attached if findlayer self righthand as item // do nothing elseif findtype "3834" backpack as item dclick item else overhead "No book bro!" 34 endif if not timerexists reactiveArmorTimer createtimer reactiveArmorTimer settimer reactiveArmorTimer cdMagicShield endif if not timerexists magicShieldTimer createtimer magicShieldTimer settimer magicShieldTimer cdMagicShield endif if not timerexists magicMushroomTimer createtimer magicMushroomTimer settimer magicMushroomTimer cdMushroom endif if not timerexists magicArrowTimer createtimer magicArrowTimer settimer magicArrowTimer cdMagicArrow endif if not timerexists lightningTimer createtimer lightningTimer settimer lightningTimer cdLightning endif if not timerexists harmTimer createtimer harmTimer settimer harmTimer cdHarm endif if not timerexists fireballTimer createtimer fireballTimer settimer fireballTimer cdFireball endif if not timerexists evilOmenTimer createtimer evilOmenTimer settimer evilOmenTimer cdEvilOmen endif if not timerexists vampiricEmbraceTimer createtimer vampiricEmbraceTimer settimer vampiricEmbraceTimer cdVampiricEmbrace endif if not timerexists corpseSkinTimer createtimer corpseSkinTimer settimer corpseSkinTimer cdCorpseSkin endif if not timerexists mindRotTimer createtimer mindRotTimer settimer mindRotTimer cdMindRot endif if not timerexists vengSpiritTimer createtimer vengSpiritTimer settimer vengSpiritTimer cdVengSpirit endif if not timerexists witherTimer createtimer witherTimer settimer witherTimer cdWither endif # Eat food if we got it "tray" if not findbuff "food" and findtype 2429 backpack as jood dclick jood wait 200 endif # Use Taste ID if possible if skill "Taste Identification" >= 50 and not findbuff "herb" useskill 'tasteidentification' wft 500 target backpack endif # Check to ensure there are enough unholy symbols if not gumpexists 622436516 say "[necromancyhotbar" wait 500 endif if ingump "12/" 622436516 @setvar! necro_has_enough_symbols 12 elseif ingump "11/" 622436516 @setvar! necro_has_enough_symbols 11 elseif ingump "10/" 622436516 @setvar! necro_has_enough_symbols 10 elseif ingump "9/" 622436516 @setvar! necro_has_enough_symbols 9 elseif ingump "8/" 622436516 @setvar! necro_has_enough_symbols 8 elseif ingump "7/" 622436516 @setvar! necro_has_enough_symbols 7 elseif ingump "6/" 622436516 @setvar! necro_has_enough_symbols 6 elseif ingump "5/" 622436516 @setvar! necro_has_enough_symbols 5 elseif ingump "4/" 622436516 @setvar! necro_has_enough_symbols 4 elseif ingump "3/" 622436516 @setvar! necro_has_enough_symbols 3 elseif ingump "2/" 622436516 @setvar! necro_has_enough_symbols 2 elseif ingump "1/" 622436516 @setvar! necro_has_enough_symbols 1 elseif ingump "0/" 622436516 @setvar! necro_has_enough_symbols 0 endif # logic of the Vengeful Spirit ability so you summon when its up to ensure you get an undead if timer vengSpiritTimer >= cdVengSpirit @setvar! vengSpiritRdy 1 elseif timer vengSpiritTimer < 25000 @setvar! vengSpiritRdy 2 else @setvar! vengSpiritRdy 0 endif # time to check for our summons if witherTimer > cdwither and necro_has_enough_symbols >= 6 say '[Wither' settimer witherTimer 0 wait 650 endif if poisoned if findtype "Orange Potion" backpack as pot dclick pot wait 200 else while not targetexists if not poisoned hotkey '> Interrupt' break else cast 'Cure' wait 50 endif endwhile if targetexists target self wait 500 endif endif endif if diffhits >= 30 and mana > 12 while not targetexists if diffhits >= 60 cast 'Heal' else cast 'Greater Heal' endif wait 50 if hp = maxhp hotkey '> Interrupt' break endif endwhile if targetexists target self endif endif if mana < 55 if not findbuff "actively meditating" and timer magicMushroomTimer >= cdMushroom and findtype "mushroom" backpack as mushy overhead "Eatting shrooms" 66 dclick mushy settimer magicMushroomTimer 0 elseif not findbuff "actively meditating" overhead 'Meditating' useskill 'meditation' wait 650 endif endif if summonLargeOne > 0 if not varexist myFirstSummon or dead myFirstSummon if summonLargeOne = 1 if findtype 'a Skeletal Fiend' ground -1 -1 10 as maybePet if noto maybePet = "friend" overhead 'Found a Skeletal Fiend' 88 @setvar! myFirstSummon maybePet @ignore maybePet replay endif endif overhead "Your Skeletal Fiend is dead..." 34 if vengSpiritRdy = 0 overhead 'Vengeful Spirit not Rdy' 33 wait 1000 replay endif if followers < 4 if mana > 50 or witherTimer < cdwither if vengSpiritRdy = 1 and necro_has_enough_symbols > 0 say '[VengefulSpirit' settimer vengSpiritTimer 0 wait 500 cast 'Air Elemental' overhead 'Summoning a Skeletal Fiend' wait 4250 replay elseif vengSpiritRdy = 2 cast 'Air Elemental' overhead 'Summoning a Skeletal Fiend' wait 4250 replay endif else overhead 'Waiting on Mana' wait 1000 replay endif endif elseif summonLargeOne = 2 if findtype 'A Vampire Thrall' ground -1 -1 10 as maybePet if noto maybePet = "friend" overhead 'Found a Vampire Thrall' 88 @setvar! myFirstSummon maybePet @ignore maybePet replay endif endif overhead "Your Vampire Thrall is dead..." 34 if vengSpiritRdy = 0 overhead 'Vengeful Spirit not Rdy' 33 wait 1000 replay endif if followers < 4 if mana > 50 or witherTimer < cdwither if vengSpiritRdy = 1 and necro_has_enough_symbols > 0 say '[VengefulSpirit' settimer vengSpiritTimer 0 wait 500 cast 'Summon Daemon' overhead 'Summoning a Vampire Thrall' wait 4250 replay elseif vengSpiritRdy = 2 cast 'Summon Daemon' overhead 'Summoning a Vampire Thrall' wait 4250 replay endif else overhead 'Waiting on Mana' wait 1000 replay endif endif elseif summonLargeOne = 3 if findtype 'an Ancient Mummy' ground -1 -1 10 as maybePet if noto maybePet = "friend" overhead 'Found an Ancient Mummy' 88 @setvar! myFirstSummon maybePet @ignore maybePet replay endif endif overhead "Your Ancient Mummy is dead..." 34 if vengSpiritRdy = 0 overhead 'Vengeful Spirit not Rdy' 33 wait 1000 replay endif if followers < 4 if mana > 50 or witherTimer < cdwither if vengSpiritRdy = 1 and necro_has_enough_symbols > 0 say '[VengefulSpirit' settimer vengSpiritTimer 0 wait 500 cast 'Earth Elemental' overhead 'Summoning an Ancient Mummy' wait 4250 replay elseif vengSpiritRdy = 2 cast 'Earth Elemental' overhead 'Summoning an Ancient Mummy' wait 4250 replay endif else overhead 'Waiting on Mana' wait 1000 replay endif endif elseif summonLargeOne = 4 if findtype 'A Lich' ground -1 -1 10 as maybePet if noto maybePet = "friend" overhead 'Found a Lich' 88 @setvar! myFirstSummon maybePet @ignore maybePet replay endif endif overhead "Your Lich is dead..." 34 if vengSpiritRdy = 0 overhead 'Vengeful Spirit not Rdy' 33 wait 1000 replay endif if followers < 4 if mana > 50 or witherTimer < cdwither if vengSpiritRdy = 1 and necro_has_enough_symbols > 0 say '[VengefulSpirit' settimer vengSpiritTimer 0 wait 500 cast 'Fire Elemental' overhead 'Summoning a Lich' wait 4250 replay elseif vengSpiritRdy = 2 cast 'Fire Elemental' overhead 'Summoning a Lich' wait 4250 replay endif else overhead 'Waiting on Mana' wait 1000 replay endif endif elseif summonLargeOne = 5 if findtype 'a Rag Witch' ground -1 -1 10 as maybePet if noto maybePet = "friend" overhead 'Found a Rag Witch' 88 @setvar! myFirstSummon maybePet @ignore maybePet replay endif endif overhead "Your Rag Witch is dead..." 34 if vengSpiritRdy = 0 overhead 'Vengeful Spirit not Rdy' 33 wait 1000 replay endif if followers < 4 if mana > 50 or witherTimer < cdwither if vengSpiritRdy = 1 and necro_has_enough_symbols > 0 say '[VengefulSpirit' settimer vengSpiritTimer 0 wait 500 cast 'Water Elemental' overhead 'Summoning a Rag Witch' wait 4250 replay elseif vengSpiritRdy = 2 cast 'Water Elemental' overhead 'Summoning a Rag Witch' wait 4250 replay endif else overhead 'Waiting on Mana' wait 1000 replay endif endif endif else menu myFirstSummon 3 wft 750 endif endif if summonLargeTwo > 0 if not varexist mySecondSummon or dead mySecondSummon if summonLargeTwo = 1 if findtype 'a Skeletal Fiend' ground -1 -1 10 as maybePet if noto maybePet = "friend" overhead 'Found a Skeletal Fiend' 88 @setvar! mySecondSummon maybePet @ignore maybePet replay endif endif overhead "Your Skeletal Fiend is dead..." 34 if vengSpiritRdy = 0 overhead 'Vengeful Spirit not Rdy' 33 wait 1000 replay endif if followers < 4 if mana > 50 or witherTimer < cdwither if vengSpiritRdy = 1 and necro_has_enough_symbols > 0 say '[VengefulSpirit' settimer vengSpiritTimer 0 wait 500 cast 'Air Elemental' overhead 'Summoning a Skeletal Fiend' wait 4250 replay elseif vengSpiritRdy = 2 cast 'Air Elemental' overhead 'Summoning a Skeletal Fiend' wait 4250 replay endif else overhead 'Waiting on Mana' wait 1000 replay endif endif elseif summonLargeTwo = 2 if findtype 'A Vampire Thrall' ground -1 -1 10 as maybePet if noto maybePet = "friend" overhead 'Found a Vampire Thrall' 88 @setvar! mySecondSummon maybePet @ignore maybePet replay endif endif overhead "Your Vampire Thrall is dead..." 34 if vengSpiritRdy = 0 overhead 'Vengeful Spirit not Rdy' 33 wait 1000 replay endif if followers < 4 if mana > 50 or witherTimer < cdwither if vengSpiritRdy = 1 and necro_has_enough_symbols > 0 say '[VengefulSpirit' settimer vengSpiritTimer 0 wait 500 cast 'Summon Daemon' overhead 'Summoning a Vampire Thrall' wait 4250 replay elseif vengSpiritRdy = 2 cast 'Summon Daemon' overhead 'Summoning a Vampire Thrall' wait 4250 replay endif else overhead 'Waiting on Mana' wait 1000 replay endif endif elseif summonLargeTwo = 3 if findtype 'an Ancient Mummy' ground -1 -1 10 as maybePet if noto maybePet = "friend" overhead 'Found an Ancient Mummy' 88 @setvar! mySecondSummon maybePet @ignore maybePet replay endif endif overhead "Your Ancient Mummy is dead..." 34 if vengSpiritRdy = 0 overhead 'Vengeful Spirit not Rdy' 33 wait 1000 replay endif if followers < 4 if mana > 50 or witherTimer < cdwither if vengSpiritRdy = 1 and necro_has_enough_symbols > 0 say '[VengefulSpirit' settimer vengSpiritTimer 0 wait 500 cast 'Earth Elemental' overhead 'Summoning an Ancient Mummy' wait 4250 replay elseif vengSpiritRdy = 2 cast 'Earth Elemental' overhead 'Summoning an Ancient Mummy' wait 4250 replay endif else overhead 'Waiting on Mana' wait 1000 replay endif endif elseif summonLargeTwo = 4 if findtype 'A Lich' ground -1 -1 10 as maybePet if noto maybePet = "friend" overhead 'Found a Lich' 88 @setvar! mySecondSummon maybePet @ignore maybePet replay endif endif overhead "Your Lich is dead..." 34 if vengSpiritRdy = 0 overhead 'Vengeful Spirit not Rdy' 33 wait 1000 replay endif if followers < 4 if mana > 50 or witherTimer < cdwither if vengSpiritRdy = 1 and necro_has_enough_symbols > 0 say '[VengefulSpirit' settimer vengSpiritTimer 0 wait 500 cast 'Fire Elemental' overhead 'Summoning a Lich' wait 4250 replay elseif vengSpiritRdy = 2 cast 'Fire Elemental' overhead 'Summoning a Lich' wait 4250 replay endif else overhead 'Waiting on Mana' wait 1000 replay endif endif elseif summonLargeTwo = 5 if findtype 'a Rag Witch' ground -1 -1 10 as maybePet if noto maybePet = "friend" overhead 'Found a Rag Witch' 88 @setvar! mySecondSummon maybePet @ignore maybePet replay endif endif overhead "Your Rag Witch is dead..." 34 if vengSpiritRdy = 0 overhead 'Vengeful Spirit not Rdy' 33 wait 1000 replay endif if followers < 4 if mana > 50 or witherTimer < cdwither if vengSpiritRdy = 1 and necro_has_enough_symbols > 0 say '[VengefulSpirit' settimer vengSpiritTimer 0 wait 500 cast 'Water Elemental' overhead 'Summoning a Rag Witch' wait 4250 replay elseif vengSpiritRdy = 2 cast 'Water Elemental' overhead 'Summoning a Rag Witch' wait 4250 replay endif else overhead 'Waiting on Mana' wait 1000 replay endif endif endif else //say 'All Guard Me' menu mySecondSummon 3 wft 750 target self //myKillTarget endif endif if summonSmallOne > 0 if not varexist mySmallSummon or dead mySmallSummon if summonSmallOne = 1 if findtype "a ghoul" ground -1 -1 10 as maybePet overhead "Found a small undead.. maybe?" 88 if noto maybePet = "friend" @setvar! mySmallSummon maybePet replay endif elseif findtype "a skeleton" ground -1 -1 10 as maybePet if noto maybePet = "friend" @setvar! mySmallSummon maybePet replay endif elseif findtype "a zombie" ground -1 -1 10 as maybePet overhead "Found a small undead.. maybe?" 88 if noto maybePet = "friend" @setvar! mySmallSummon maybePet replay endif elseif findtype "a corpse eater" ground -1 -1 10 as maybePet overhead "Found a small undead.. maybe?" 88 if noto maybePet = "friend" @setvar! mySmallSummon maybePet replay endif elseif findtype "a skeletal knight" ground -1 -1 10 as maybePet overhead "Found a small undead.. maybe?" 88 if noto maybePet = "friend" @setvar! mySmallSummon maybePet replay endif elseif findtype "a skeletal mage" ground -1 -1 10 as maybePet overhead "Found a small undead.. maybe?" 88 if noto maybePet = "friend" @setvar! mySmallSummon maybePet replay endif endif overhead "Your Small Summon is dead..." 34 if vengSpiritRdy = 0 overhead 'Vengeful Spirit not Rdy' 33 wait 1000 replay endif if followers < 5 if mana > 25 or witherTimer < cdwither if vengSpiritRdy = 1 and necro_has_enough_symbols > 0 say '[VengefulSpirit' settimer vengSpiritTimer 0 wait 500 cast 'Summ. Creature' overhead 'Summoning Small Undead' wait 4250 replay elseif vengSpiritRdy = 2 cast 'Summ. Creature' overhead 'Summoning Small Undead' wait 4250 replay endif else overhead 'Waiting on Mana' wait 1000 replay endif elseif summonSmallOne = 2 if findtype "a Skeletal Husk" ground -1 -1 10 as maybePet overhead "Found a Skeletal Husk" 88 if noto maybePet = "friend" @setvar! mySmallSummon maybePet replay endif endif overhead "Your Skeletal Husk is dead..." 34 if vengSpiritRdy = 0 overhead 'Vengeful Spirit not Rdy' 33 wait 1000 replay endif if followers < 5 if mana > 25 or witherTimer < cdwither if vengSpiritRdy = 1 and necro_has_enough_symbols > 0 say '[VengefulSpirit' settimer vengSpiritTimer 0 wait 500 cast 'Blade Spirits' overhead 'Summoning a Skeletal Husk' wait 4250 replay elseif vengSpiritRdy = 2 cast 'Blade Spirits' overhead 'Summoning a Skeletal Husk' wait 4250 replay endif else overhead 'Waiting on Mana' wait 1000 replay endif endif endif else menu mySmallSummon 3 wft 650 target self endif endif wait 250 @clearignore ###### end summon logic ######################################## if mana < 55 if not findbuff "actively meditating" and timer magicMushroomTimer >= cdMushroom and findtype "mushroom" backpack as mushy overhead "Eatting shrooms" 66 dclick mushy settimer magicMushroomTimer 0 elseif not findbuff "actively meditating" useskill 'meditation' wait 1000 endif endif if setThisAsOneIfYouWantToTargetYourOwnKillOrItWillTargetClosestMonster = 1 say "All Kill" wait 200 while targetexists // wait wait 50 endwhile //set lasttarget else hotkey 'Target Closest Non-Friendly Monster' wait 200 if insysmsg "No one matching that was found" overhead "Found No One" 34 if autoBotEnabled = 1 wait 500 replay endif stop endif endif @setvar myKillTarget lasttarget if not varexist myPreviousKillTarget @setvar myPreviousKillTarget 0 endif getlabel myKillTarget desc overhead desc if poisoned if findtype "Orange Potion" backpack as pot dclick pot wait 200 else while not targetexists if not poisoned hotkey '> Interrupt' break else cast 'Cure' wait 50 endif endwhile if targetexists target self wait 500 endif endif endif if diffhits >= 30 and mana > 12 while not targetexists if diffhits >= 60 cast 'Heal' else cast 'Greater Heal' endif wait 50 if hp = maxhp hotkey '> Interrupt' break endif endwhile if targetexists target self endif elseif blessYourself = 1 and str <= 100 while not targetexists cast 'Bless' wait 50 if diffhits >= 30 hotkey '> Interrupt' break endif endwhile if targetexists target self endif endif if find myKillTarget -1 -1 12 as killy if myKillTarget = myPreviousKillTarget // do nothing else // Herding using crook if skill "Herding" > 0 and findtype 3713 backpack as jrook dclick jrook wft 500 target killy endif while not targetexists and not dead myKillTarget if diffhits < 30 cast 'Curse' wait 50 elseif diffhits >= 30 hotkey '> Interrupt' break endif endwhile if targetexists target myKillTarget wait 500 endif while not targetexists and not dead myKillTarget if diffhits < 30 cast 'mana drain' wait 50 elseif diffhits >= 30 hotkey '> Interrupt' break endif endwhile if targetexists target myKillTarget wait 500 endif @setvar myPreviousKillTarget myKillTarget endif else overhead "Out of range" 34 endif clearsysmsg say "All Guard Me" @setvar! isLethalPoison 0 while not dead myKillTarget and find myKillTarget -1 -1 12 as killy if insysmsg "Target cannot be seen." overhead "CANNOT BE SEEN MOVE TO NEXT TARGET" 34 replay endif if timer magicShieldTimer >= cdMagicShield and not findbuff "Magic Reflection" cast "Magic Reflection" wait 1000 elseif not findbuff "Magic Reflection" and not findbuff "Magic Resist Potion" and findtype "Black Potion" backpack as pot dclick pot wait 200 endif if findbuff "Magic Reflection" settimer magicShieldTimer 0 endif if timer reactiveArmorTimer >= cdReactiveArmor and not findbuff "Reactive Armor" cast "Reactive Armor" wait 200 endif if findbuff "Reactive Armor" settimer reactiveArmorTimer 0 endif if timer corpseSkinTimer >= cdCorpseSkin and skill "Necromancy" >= 65 overhead "Should be CorpseSkin!" 34 say "[CorpseSkin" settimer corpseSkinTimer 0 wait 500 endif if skill "poisoning" >= 100 or castPoisonAnyway = 1 if timer mindRotTimer >= cdMindRot and skill "Necromancy" >= 75 overhead "Should be mind rotting!" 34 say "[MindRot" settimer mindRotTimer 0 wait 500 endif while isLethalPoison = 0 if insysmsg "Target cannot be seen." overhead "CANNOT BE SEEN MOVE TO NEXT TARGET" 34 replay endif getlabel myKillTarget desc2 overhead desc2 66 // poison lethal if "Lethal" in desc2 @setvar! isLethalPoison 1 break elseif castPoisonAnyway = 1 and "Ticks" in desc2 @setvar! isLethalPoison 1 break elseif castPoisonAnyway = 1 and "Poison" in desc2 @setvar! isLethalPoison 1 break elseif diffhits >= 30 // need a heal break elseif mana >= 9 while not targetexists cast 'poison' wait 50 if dead myKillTarget hotkey '> Interrupt' replay endif endwhile target myKillTarget wait 200 if insysmsg "Target cannot be seen." overhead "CANNOT BE SEEN MOVE TO NEXT TARGET" 34 @setvar! isLethalPoison 1 endif else wait 200 endif endwhile endif if timer evilOmenTimer >= cdEvilOmen and skill "Necromancy" >= 60 say "[EvilOmen" settimer evilOmenTimer 0 wait 200 endif if timer vampiricEmbraceTimer >= cdVampiricEmbrace and skill "Necromancy" >= 75 and findtype 8198 ground -1 -1 4 as jorpse say "[VampiricEmbrace" wft 500 target jorpse settimer vampiricEmbraceTimer 0 endif if find myKillTarget -1 -1 12 as killy // do nothing else overhead "Out of range" 34 break endif if poisoned if findtype "Orange Potion" backpack as pot dclick pot wait 200 else while not targetexists if not poisoned hotkey '> Interrupt' break else cast 'Cure' wait 50 endif endwhile if targetexists target self wait 500 endif endif endif if diffhits < 30 and mana >= 12 and timer lightningTimer >= cdLightning while not targetexists if dead myKillTarget or diffhits >= 30 hotkey '> Interrupt' break else cast 'Lightning' wait 50 endif endwhile if targetexists target myKillTarget settimer lightningTimer 0 wait 500 endif endif if diffhits < 30 and mana >= 5 and timer magicArrowTimer >= cdMagicArrow while not targetexists if dead myKillTarget or diffhits >= 30 hotkey '> Interrupt' break else cast 'magic arrow' wait 50 endif endwhile if targetexists target myKillTarget settimer magicArrowTimer 0 wait 500 endif endif if diffhits < 30 and mana >= 9 and timer harmTimer >= cdHarm while not targetexists if dead myKillTarget or diffhits >= 30 hotkey '> Interrupt' break else cast 'harm' wait 50 endif endwhile if targetexists target myKillTarget settimer harmTimer 0 wait 500 endif endif if diffhits < 30 and mana >= 12 and timer fireballTimer >= cdFireball while not targetexists if dead myKillTarget or diffhits >= 30 hotkey '> Interrupt' break else cast 'fireball' wait 50 endif endwhile if targetexists target myKillTarget settimer fireballTimer 0 wait 500 endif endif if diffhits >= 30 if findtype "Yellow Potion" backpack as pot getlabel pot desc if "next usable" in desc // do nothing else dclick pot wait 200 endif endif if diffhits >= 30 and mana >= 12 while not targetexists if diffhits >= 60 cast 'Heal' else cast 'Greater Heal' endif wait 50 if hp = maxhp hotkey '> Interrupt' break endif endwhile if targetexists target self wait 50 endif endif elseif mana < 55 and findbuff "actively meditating" // wait for mana elseif spamMindBlastOverFlamestrike = 1 mana > 42 while not targetexists and mana > 40 if dead myKillTarget or diffhits >= 30 hotkey '> Interrupt' break else cast 'Mind Blast' wait 50 endif endwhile if targetexists target myKillTarget wait 500 endif elseif mana > 42 while not targetexists and mana > 40 if dead myKillTarget or diffhits >= 30 hotkey '> Interrupt' break else cast 'Flamestrike' wait 50 endif endwhile if targetexists target myKillTarget wait 500 endif elseif not findbuff "actively meditating" and timer magicMushroomTimer >= cdMushroom and findtype "mushroom" backpack as mushy overhead "Eatting shrooms" 66 dclick mushy settimer magicMushroomTimer 0 elseif not findbuff "actively meditating" useskill 'meditation' wait 500 endif wait 50 ######## ### If your summons die restart to resummon if summonLargeOne > 0 and dead myFirstSummon //replay overhead 'Summon Large One Dead' elseif summonLargeTwo > 0 and dead mySecondSummon //replay overhead 'Summon Large Two Dead' elseif summonSmallOne > 0 and dead mySmallSummon //replay overhead 'Summon Small Dead' endif ### ####### endwhile wait 500 if targetexists hotkey 'Cancel Current Target' endif say "All Guard Me" if canYouMakeAMushroom = 1 and counttype "mushroom" backpack < 5 while counttype "mushroom" backpack < 15 cast "Create Food" wait 200 if counttype "mushroom" backpack = 0 break endif endwhile endif if timer vampiricEmbraceTimer >= cdVampiricEmbrace and skill "Necromancy" >= 70 and findtype 8198 ground -1 -1 4 as jorpse say "[VampiricEmbrace" wft 500 target //self jorpse settimer vampiricEmbraceTimer 0 endif ########## ### Organizer if organizerNumber > 0 organizer organizerNumber endif ### ########## while mana < 50 if not findbuff "actively meditating" and timer magicMushroomTimer >= cdMushroom and findtype "mushroom" backpack as mushy overhead "Eatting shrooms" 66 dclick mushy settimer magicMushroomTimer 0 elseif not findbuff "actively meditating" overhead 'Meditating' useskill 'meditation' wait 500 endif endwhile if autoBotEnabled = 1 replay endif