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Rename Summon Example (earth elemental) by Jaseowns

1# Summon an earth elemental and rename it by Jaseowns
2# UO Outlands
3# Description:
4# You can change the type of monster by editing
5# line number 18 (find) and 27 (cast)
6# ----------------
7# You can add a list of names to cycle 
8# through starting on line 14
9# edit those or add more.
10if not listexists petNameList
11    createlist petNameList
13if list petNameList = 0
14    pushlist petNameList "earthboi"
15    pushlist petNameList "earthboigir"
18if followers > 0 and findtype "an earth elemental" ground -1 -1 2 as myPet
19    if noto myPet = "friend"
20        foreach petName in petNameList
21            rename myPet petName
22            break
23        endfor
24        poplist petNameList "front"
25    endif
27    cast "Earth elemental"
28    wait 1000
29    loop