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Summon GOOD creature by initsu

Description: This script keeps casting Summon Creature until we get a good creature, dispelling the undesirable types.

For Necromancy it keeps: a rotting flesh, skeletal marksman and skeletal mage. (You can customize this by moving some types to the second list.)

1if followers == 0
2    @setvar! old_followers 0
3elseif followers == 1
4    @setvar! old_followers 1
5elseif followers == 2
6    @setvar! old_followers 2
7elseif followers == 3
8    @setvar! old_followers 3
9elseif followers == 4
10    @setvar! old_followers 4
11elseif followers == 5
12    @setvar! old_followers 5
15while followers == old_followers
16    cast 'Summ. Creature'
17    wait 250
20wait 200
21@setvar follower3 0
23while not dead
24    @clearignore
25    // creature types we will keep (full list is in comments at the bottom)
26    while findtype 74|214|206|776|737|718|739|29|50|382|3 ground any 1 1 as summon
27        if noto summon == "friend"
28            getlabel summon desc
29            // zombie and rotten flesh have the same type
30            if 'zombie' in desc
31                break
32            endif
33            @setvar follower3 summon
34            break
35        else
36            @ignore summon
37        endif
38    endwhile
39    @clearignore
41    if follower3 == 0
42        @clearignore
43        // creature types we will dispel (full list is in comments at the bottom)
44        while findtype 215|211|302|317|225|212|202|213|716|729|51|56|26|3|39|57|50|302 ground any 1 1 as summon
45            if noto summon == "friend"
46                @setvar follower3 summon
47                break
48            else
49                @ignore summon
50            endif
51        endwhile
52        @clearignore
53        overhead "Dispelling bad creature"
54        wait 700
55        cast "Dispel"
56        wft 2000
57        target follower3
58        wait 300
59        loop
60    endif
62    if follower3 == 0
63        overhead "Not finding new creature yet..."
64        wait 250
65    else
66        break
67    endif
71// Creature ID list
72// ================
73// * summoner tier 0
74// 215 - Aegis Rat
75// 211 - Black Bear 
76// 211 - Brown Bear
77// 302 - Corpse Eater
78// 317 - Firebat
79// 225 - Flamehound
80// 212 - Grizzly Bear
81// 202 - Monitor Hatchling
82// 213 - Polar Bear
83// 716 - Primordial Whelp
84// 729 - Sand Crab
85// 51 - Shallow Water
87// * summoner tier 1
88// 74 - an imp
89// 211 - a cave bear (same as other bears)
90// 214 - a jaguar
91// 206 - a searing lizard
93// * summoner tier 2
94// 317 - a cave bat (same as a firebat)
95// 776 - a minion
96// 737 - a trapdoor spider
97// 718 - a drake whelp
99// * summoner tier 3
100// 74 - a searing imp (same as an imp)
101// 739 - a wolfhound
102// 718 - a dragon whelp (hue: 2241) (same body as a drake whelp)
103// 29 - a blood ape
105// * summoner tier 4
106// 776 - a fire minion (hue: 2810) (same as a minion)
107// 317 - a vampire bat (hue: 2906) (same as other bats)
108// 302 - a skulker
109// 39 - a molten mongbat
111// * necromancer tier 0
112// 56 - Skeleton
113// 26 - Ghoul
114// 3 - Zombie (same as a rotting flesh)
116// * necromancer higher tiers
117// 57 - Skeletal Knight
118// 50 - Skeletal Mage
119// 382 - Skeletal Marksman
120// 3 - a rotting flesh (same as Zombie)