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Bapeth's Wizard Hat Stealth Trick by barryroser

Description: This script enables a "Magical Wizard Hat Hot Swap" with your regular hat, allowing for artificial stamina reduction when it reaches the maximum level. This helps prevent the user from accidentally stepping on a mob or player while in stealth mode—even if the mob or player is also in stealth or hidden.


A magical wizard's hat that alters your stats (stored in your backpack).

A regular, non-magical wizard hat of your choice (your preferred hat or main style).

Errors & Resetting Hats:

If you encounter issues or need to reset the hats:

Go to the Script Options tab.

Remove "bwiz," "bmain," and "nonaspectedwiz" from the list.

Restart the script.

# Bapeths Wizard Hat Stealth Trick # # October 7th 2024 # # This script is uses a "Magical Wizards Hat Hot Swap" with your normal hat in order to artificially reduce stamina when it hits max. # This prevents the user from stepping on a mob/player while in stealth (even if the player/mob is in stealth/hidden themselves) # # "Required" # A magical wizards hat (the type that changes your stats) in your backpack # An otherwise non-magical wizard hat (any hat you like to wear, i.e., your main drip) # "Action Delay Setting" # This script uses razor "Auto-Queue Object Delay" setting # Make sure this setting is turned ON in the razor Options tab > Targeting & Queues sub-tab # Set "object delay to 503" - Hat swap will be slow if you do not do this # # "Errors & Resetting hats" # Navigate to the Script Options Tab # Delete "bwiz" "bmain" and "nonaspectedwiz" from the list # Play the script again # # Script starts here if findtype 5912 self and not varexist "bwiz" and findlayer self head as regularhat getlabel regularhat desc if "magical" in desc dclick regularhat pause 500 getlabel backpack ping replay endif endif if not find "bwiz" self and findtype 5912 backpack as wizhat getlabel wizhat desc if "restyled" in desc @ignore wizhat replay elseif "armored" in desc @setvar "bwiz" wizhat elseif "magical" in desc @setvar "bwiz" wizhat @setvar "nonaspectedwiz" wizhat endif endif if varexist "bwiz" and find "bwiz" backpack if not find "bmain" self and findlayer self head as hat @setvar "bmain" hat endif if not varexist "bmain" overhead "I need a primary hat or helm to wear.." 88 pause 2000 overhead "Anything will do, just not a magical wizard hat..." 88 stop endif endif if varexist "bwiz" and find "bwiz" backpack and find "bmain" self if not targetexists and not casting and skill "Stealth" >= 80 and hidden and stam = maxstam while queued //donothing endwhile dclick "bwiz" while queued //donothing endwhile pause 30 dclick "bmain" pause 500 getlabel backpack ping endif if not targetexists and not casting and not findlayer self head and find "bmain" self while queued //donothing endwhile dclick "bmain" pause 500 getlabel backpack ping endif endif if varexist "bwiz" and find "bmain" self if not targetexists and not casting and not find "bwiz" backpack while queued //donothing endwhile dclick "bmain" pause 500 getlabel backpack ping endif endif loop