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tranq's Gate Escape by tranq

Description: Gate escape script that you can press once and it'll keep running until a gate escape is successful, no need to press it over and over.

1@unsetvar! gate
2while not varexist gate
3    overhead "Looking for gate" 40
4    if findtype 3948 ground any any 2 as moongate
5        @setvar! gate moongate
6        break
7    endif
8    wait 100
10while not gumpexists 3773199800
11    overhead "Opening gate" 40
12    dclick gate
13    waitforgump 3773199800 500
15while find gate ground
16    overhead "Using gate" 40
17    gumpresponse 2 3773199800
18    wait 200
20overhead "Finished escape" 40