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BESTEST GaTe ScRiPt 4 EScapE by urgfinterruptingyou

Description: I'm not sure who originally wrote it, but its the best i've found.

if findtype 3948 'ground' 0 1 2 as 'bluegate' dclick 'bluegate' waitforgump 3899019871 gumpresponse 2 endif if findtype 3948 'ground' 2820 1 2 as 'redmoongate' # Goto Outpost dclick 'redmoongate' waitforgump 3773199800 gumpresponse 2 endif if findtype 3948 'ground' 2821 1 2 as 'bluemoongate' # Goto Shelter Island dclick 'bluemoongate' waitforgump 3773199800 gumpresponse 2 endif if findtype 3948 'ground' 2822 1 2 as 'yellowmoongate' # Goto Outpost dclick 'yellowmoongate' waitforgump 3773199800 gumpresponse 2 endif if findtype 8148 'ground' -1 1 2 as 'graymoongate' # Confirm dclick 'graymoongate' waitforgump 3899019871 gumpresponse 2 endif if findtype 30528 'ground' -1 1 2 as 'graymoongate' # Confirm dclick 'graymoongate' waitforgump 3899019871 gumpresponse 2 endif