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Drunk in Public by big_data

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Description: When you lose it all at the casino... sometimes a man gets thirsty.

#Big Data gets drunk in public #load your bag with bottles of ale / liquor wine and letter rip. #randomly emotes something because you are belligerent random 20 wait 500 if insysmsg "Random: 3" say '[cry' elseif insysmsg "Random: 4" say '[clap' elseif insysmsg "Random: 5" say '[oops' elseif insysmsg "Random: 6" say '[shush' elseif insysmsg "Random: 7" say '[fart' elseif insysmsg "Random: 8" say '[hiccup' elseif insysmsg "Random: 9" say '[belch' elseif insysmsg "Random: 10" say '[whistle' elseif insysmsg "Random: 11" say '[groan' elseif insysmsg "Random: 12" say '[yell' elseif insysmsg "Random: 13" say '[spit' elseif insysmsg "Random: 14" say '[hurt' elseif insysmsg "Random: 15" say '[sleep' elseif insysmsg "Random: 16" say '[anger' elseif insysmsg "Random: 17" say '[sick' elseif insysmsg "Random: 18" say '[cough' elseif insysmsg "Random: 19" say '[kiss' elseif insysmsg "Random: 20" say '[surprise' elseif insysmsg "Random: 1" say '[greet' elseif insysmsg "Random: 2" say '[yes' endif #drink up buddy for 3 if findtype 2459|2463|2503 backpack as liquor dclick liquor waitfortarget hotkey 'Target Self' wait 1500 endif endfor #drop booze on the ground because you're that drunk if findtype 2459|2463|2503 backpack as woops lift woops backpack wait 1000 droprelloc 0 -1 endif wait 30000 loop