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Bapeth's Ocean Lucky Powderkeg by barryroser

Description: This script will use Luck and Special powderkeg together and follow up with auto cannon fire. It can be used again to fire cannons while abilities are on cooldown.

1# Bapeths Special Luck Keg
2# "****REQUIRED****"
3# Bapeths Ship Cooldowns xml file (copy paste into your characters Cooldown file)
4# "COPY" Link to get Bapeths Cooldowns ""
5# "PASTE" FILE PATH : C:\Program Files (x86)\Ultima Online Outlands\ClassicUO\Data\Profiles\"YOUR-ACCOUNT-NAME"\UO Outlands\"YOUR-CHARACTER" Open file in notepad
6# The cooldowns with "Tigger Text" Must be adjusted to "your ships stats" and "your Wizard Grimoire upgrades" in the UO in game Options
8# Script will loop into 'Master Background' if you have it in your script library
10# This script will use Luck and Special Powderkeg and/or automatically fire at the closest enemy ship
11# Use "Bapeths Manual Override" script to force a priority target
13# Set "Range check Last Target" to "22" in Razor > Options tab > Targeting & Queues subtab
14# This will ensure your cannons can reach their target at max distance
16# Luck must be placed in the Second Lesser Ability Slot on your ship (bottom row)
17# Special Powderkeg must be placed in the Regular Ability Slot (top row)
19# Script starts here
20if cooldown "Cannons"
21    overhead "Cannons cooling..." 38
22    script "Master Background"
25hotkey '> Interrupt'
26hotkey "Cancel Current Target"
28say "[SecondLesserAbility"
29getlabel backpack ping
30if insysmsg "you must wait"
31    overhead "Lesser Cooling..." 38
32    warmode off 
33elseif insysmsg "not currently reloading"
34    overhead "It would be no use..." 38
36    overhead '*Passive Lesser Ability*' 67
40say '[RegularAbility'
41getlabel backpack ping
42if insysmsg "you must wait"
43    overhead "Regular Cooling..." 38
44    warmode off 
45elseif insysmsg "currently be repaired" 
46    overhead "It would be no use..." 38
48    overhead '*Passive Regular Ability*' 87
50warmode off 
52say '[FireCannons'
53getlabel backpack ping
54if insysmsg "fire its cannons again"
55    overhead "Cannons Cooling..." 38
56    warmode off
57    script 'Master Background'
59if insysmsg "fire the cannons?"
60    overhead "Fire the Cannons!" 88
61    wft 500
62    target "Manual Override"
63    getlabel backpack ping
64    if insysmsg "Our cannons cannot reach that location."
65        overhead "Out of Range!" 38
66        warmode off
67        script 'Master Background'
68    elseif insysmsg "That is too far away."
69        overhead "Out of Range!" 38
70        warmode off
71        script 'Master Background'
72    elseif insysmsg "Those cannons are out of ammunition"
73        overhead "Out of Ammo!" 38
74        warmode off
75        script 'Master Background'
76    elseif insysmsg "You may not fire onto your own ship!"
77        overhead "Target is too close to fire on!" 38
78        warmode off
79        script 'Master Background'
80    elseif not targetexists 
81        cooldown "Cannons" 13500
82        overhead "Fire!" 88
83        if not cooldown "Disco" and skill "Discordance" >= 50
84            skill 'Discordance'
85            wft 500
86            hotkey 'Target self'
87            hotkey "Cancel Current Target"
88            getlabel backpack ping
89            if insysmsg "creatures"
90                overhead "Hear my sea song!" 91
91                cooldown "Disco" 5000
92            endif
93        endif
94        warmode off
95        script 'Master Background'
96    endif
97    hotkey "Target Closest Enemy Monster"
98    getlabel backpack ping
99    if insysmsg "Our cannons cannot reach that location."
100        overhead "Out of Range!" 38
101        warmode off
102        script 'Master Background'
103    elseif insysmsg "That is too far away."
104        overhead "Out of Range!" 38
105        warmode off
106        script 'Master Background'
107    elseif insysmsg "Those cannons are out of ammunition"
108        overhead "Out of Ammo!" 38
109        warmode off
110        script 'Master Background'
111    elseif insysmsg "You may not fire onto your own ship!"
112        overhead "Target is too close to fire on!" 38
113        warmode off
114        script 'Master Background'
115    elseif not targetexists 
116        cooldown "Cannons" 13500
117        overhead "Fire!" 88
118        if not cooldown "Disco" and skill "Discordance" >= 50
119            skill 'Discordance'
120            wft 500
121            hotkey 'Target self'
122            hotkey "Cancel Current Target"
123            getlabel backpack ping
124            if insysmsg "creatures"
125                overhead "Hear my sea song!" 91
126                cooldown "Disco" 5000
127            endif
128        endif
129        warmode off
130        script 'Master Background'
131    endif
132    hotkey "Target Closest Grey Monster"
133    getlabel backpack ping
134    if insysmsg "Our cannons cannot reach that location."
135        overhead "Out of Range!" 38
136        warmode off
137        script 'Master Background'
138    elseif insysmsg "That is too far away."
139        overhead "Out of Range!" 38
140        warmode off
141        script 'Master Background'
142    elseif insysmsg "Those cannons are out of ammunition"
143        overhead "Out of Ammo!" 38
144        warmode off
145        script 'Master Background'
146    elseif insysmsg "You may not fire onto your own ship!"
147        overhead "Target is too close to fire on!" 38
148        warmode off
149        script 'Master Background'
150    elseif not targetexists 
151        cooldown "Cannons" 13500
152        overhead "Fire!" 88
153        if not cooldown "Disco" and skill "Discordance" >= 50
154            skill 'Discordance'
155            wft 500
156            hotkey 'Target self'
157            hotkey "Cancel Current Target"
158            getlabel backpack ping
159            if insysmsg "creatures"
160                overhead "Hear my sea song!" 91
161                cooldown "Disco" 5000
162            endif
163        endif
164        warmode off
165        script 'Master Background'
166    endif
167    if insysmsg "No one matching"
168        overhead "Yar! Manual Target..." 88
169    elseif insysmsg "out of range"
170        overhead "Yar! Manual Target..." 88
171    endif
172    while targetexists 
173        //do nothing
174    endwhile
175    getlabel backpack ping
176    if insysmsg "Our cannons cannot reach that location."
177        overhead "Out of Range!" 38
178        warmode off
179        script 'Master Background'
180    elseif insysmsg "That is too far away."
181        overhead "Out of Range!" 38
182        warmode off
183        script 'Master Background'
184    elseif insysmsg "Those cannons are out of ammunition"
185        overhead "Out of Ammo!" 38
186        warmode off
187        script 'Master Background'
188    elseif insysmsg "You may not fire onto your own ship!"
189        overhead "Target is too close to fire on!" 38
190        warmode off
191        script 'Master Background'
192    elseif not targetexists 
193        cooldown "Cannons" 13500
194        overhead "Fire!" 88
195        if not cooldown "Disco" and skill "Discordance" >= 50
196            skill 'Discordance'
197            wft 500
198            hotkey 'Target self'
199            hotkey "Cancel Current Target"
200            getlabel backpack ping
201            if insysmsg "creatures"
202                overhead "Hear my sea song!" 91
203                cooldown "Disco" 5000
204            endif
205        endif
206        warmode off
207        script 'Master Background'
208    endif
210overhead "Cannons cooling..." 38
212if insysmsg "cannons finish reloading"
213overhead "Cannons reloading..." 38
215warmode off
216script 'Master Background'